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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 1590   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. Miller, from the Committee on Judicial Proceedings,
to whom the leave had been granted, reported a bill entitled
an Act to repeal section 10, of Article 97 of the Code of Public
General Laws relating to State wharfinger and wharves, and
to re-enact the same with amendments, asked to be dis-
charged from the further consideration thereof.

Said bill was then referred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. Snyder, from the Select Committee, to whom the leave
had been granted, reported favorably, a bill entitled an Act
to prevent incompetent persons from conducting the Apothe-
cary business in the city of Baltimore.

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Biggs, from the Select Committee to whom the leave
had been granted, reported abill entitled, an Act to authorize
the County Commissioners of Frederick county, to build a
new Alms house in Frederick county, and to issue bonds to
pay tor the same, and for other purposes.

Which was read the first time.
By unanimous consent,

Mr. Stephenson submitted, the following report of the Joint
Committee on furnishing the Government House;

ANNAPOLIS, Jan. 26,1870.
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates :

The Joint Committee of the two Houses of the General
Assembly of Maryland, appointed to visit and examine the
Governor's Mansion, with a view to making an estimate of the
sum necessary to be appropriated for furnishing the same,
respectfully report, that they have performed the duty as-
signed them.

Your Committee have been extremely anxious to avoid all
unnecessary expense, but the size and finish of the House,
over which we had no control, make it necessary, for your
Committee, to propose a seemingly large sum, but not suffi-
cient to furnish the House in a style of elegance.

Your Committee believe that the people of Maryland de-
sire that their Chief Magistrate shall have the necessary
comforts and conveniences of life around him.
We therefore ask leave to report the following bill.

Chairman of the Senate Committee.


Chairman of the House Delegates Corn.



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 1590   View pdf image (33K)
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