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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 1591   View pdf image (33K)
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1870.] OF THE SENATE. 75

Which was read.

Mr. Stephenson, from the Select Committee to whom the
leave had been granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to
appropriate a sum of money to furnish the Governor's Man-

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Stephenson moved that said bill be read the second
time this day.

The yeas and nays were called, as required by section 27,
of Article 3, of the Constitution, and appeared as follows :


Messrs. President, Henry,

Biggs, Kimmel,
Browne, Miller,
Carroll, Sellman,
Clarke, Snyder,
Denson, Stephenson,
Earle, Welch,
Grove, Wilson—17.

Messrs. Fields, Malone—2.

So two-thirds of all the Senators elected having voted in the

The said bill was then read the second time, and ordered
to be engrossed for a third reading.

Mr. Biggs, from the Select Committee, to whom was referred
the House bill, entitled an Act to repeal sections 345 and
346 of chapter 11, of the Public Local Laws of Frederick
county, reported it without amendment.

Said bill was then read the second time.

Mr. Henry, from the Select Committee to whom was re-
ferred the House bill, entitled an Act to provide for the
better protection of Mocking Birds in Dorchester county, re-
ported it without amendment.

Which was read the second time.

The President laid before the Senate the following state-
ment from J. Hanson Thomas, agent of the State of Mary-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 1591   View pdf image (33K)
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