52 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 19,dred and sixty-nine, the same to be reported in parallel
columns, which shall show the name of each pensioner, the
amount paid to each for each year; the aggregate amount
disbursed in pensions each year, and the name of the county
or Legislative District of the City of Baltimore in which each
pensioner resides." I herewith transmit a statement, showing the names en-
rolled from each county and Baltimore City, under the Acts
of 1867, chapter 385, and 1868, chapter 432, and the
amounts paid to each on account of the calendar years of
1867,1868 and 1869.
Respectfully submitted,
Comptroller. Which was read and referred, to the Committee on Pen-
[See Document D.] The House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Register
of Wills of Howard county to examine, perfect and index
certain records in his office, and to authorize and provide
coompensation for services so rendered, Was read a third time and passed by yeas and nays, as
AFFIRMATIVE. Messrs. President, Jump
Biggs, Maddox,
Browne, Malone,
Carroll, Miller,
Denson, Sellman,
Earle, Spates,
Fields, Stephenson,
Henkle, Timmons,
Henry, Welch,
Hyland, Wilson—20. NEGATIVE—None.
Said bill was then returned to the House of Delegates. On motion of Mr. Stephenson, and by unanimous consent,
it was Ordered, That the Agent of the Treasurer for the pay-
ment of the interest on the public debt, be requested to
furnish the Senate with a statement of the payments made
by him of the interest on said debt. Also, the average
balances of the monies deposited for the payment of said
interest, remaining in his hands, at the end of each quarter,
during the time for which he has acted as Agent.