1870.] OF THE SENATE. 27BY THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, January 12,1870.
Gentlemen of the Senate: We have received, your message relative to, furnishing the
Governor's Mansion, and concur therein. We have ap-
pointed on the part of this House, Messrs. Blake, Marbury
and Chapman.
MILTON Y. KIDD, Chief Clerk.
On motion by Mr. Wilson, Leave was granted to the Committee on Internal Improve-
ments to introduce a bill, entitled an Act to amend an Act
of 1853, chapter 194, entitled "An Act to incorporate the
Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company," and to repeal
the second section of the Act of 1860, chapter 71, and to
extend the time for the completion of the Baltimore and Po-
tomac Railroad. On motion by Mr. Henkle, Leave was granted to the Committee on Finance to intro-
duce a bill to amend the Act of 1868, chapter 246, entitled ,
" An Act to aid in the establishment of a Hospital, in connec-
tion with the Washington University, of Baltimore, and to
appropriate money for the same." On motion by Mr. Earle, The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the message
submitted, by Senator Kimmel, in relation to Reformatory
and Benevolent Institutions which are beneficiaries of the
State. Mr. Earle submitted the following amendment : Amend by striking out all after the word "Delegates," and
insert the following: BY THE SENATE, January 13,1870.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates : "We have received your message, asking the appoint-
ment of a Joint Committee to visit and examine the various
charitable and benevolent institutions, which are benefici-
aries of the State, and report upon the condition and needs
of the same to this General Assembly," and nonconcur
therein. We would suggest for the consideration of your Hon-
orable Body, the appointment of a Joint Committee of three
members on the part of the Senate, and five on the part of
the House, to visit the reformatory and beneficiary institu-