1870.] OF THE SENATE. 19Whereas, numerous petitions and memorials have, from
time to time, been presented to the General Assembly of this
State, praying for the passage of a law to limit the hours of
labor, per day, to be required of the operatives employed in
the Cotton and Woolen factories of this State ; and it is emi-
nently proper, expedient and humane, that such legal pro-
tection should be extended, especially to the minors of both
sexes employed in such factories, as will afford sufficient
opportunity for that recreation which is indispensable to
proper physical development and good health, and also, for
the proper cultivation of the intellectual faculties; and Whereas, it is also desirable for the protection of those who
have invested their capital in such manufacturing pursuits,
that such law should be made to apply equally to all similar
manufacturing interests throughout the United States, there-
by placing all capitalists upon an equal footing in this re-
spect, and extending its advantages to all that numerous class
of laborers throughout the land. Therefore be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Senators and Representatives from this State, in the Con-
gress of the United States, are hereby requested to urge upon
that body, the speedy passage of such a law as shall prescribe,
not exceeding ten hours, for a lawful day's labor in the Cotton
and Woolen factories of these United States. Resolved, That a copy of the above resolution be forwarded
by the Secretary of the Senate, to each of our Senators and
Representatives in Congress. Which were read the first time.
On motion by Mr. Stephenson, it was Ordered, That His Excellency, the Governor, be respect-
fully requested to transmit to the Senate, a copy of the official
returns of the election for Senators, on the Tuesday next
after the first Monday in November, 1869, and that the Sec-
retary of the Senate furnish the Governor with a copy of this
order. The Clerk of the House of Delegates delivered the following.
January 11, 1870.
Gentlemen of the Senate: We respectfully propose, with the concurrence of your Hon-
orable Body, to proceed to the election of the State Treasurer,
on Thursday next, at 12 o'clock, noon. By order,
MILTON Y. KIDD, Chief Clerk.
Which was read.