14 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 11,committee rooms, the pay of such officer not to exceed two
dollars per day. On motion by Mr. Stephenson, said order was referred to
the Committee on Retrenchment. Mr. Stephenson submitted the following order : Ordered, That no persons, except Senators, the officers of
the Senate, and reporters, and such persons as may be invited
by a Senator, shall be admitted to the ante-room of the Sen-
ate chamber at any time during the session of the Legislature ;
and that either the doorkeeper or assistant doorkeeper shall
remain at the outside entrance door to the ante-room from the
time the doors of the Senate Chamber are opened in the morn-
ing until the time when the Janitor closes and locks the doors
of the ante-room at night for the purpose of sweeping and
cleaning the Senate Chamber : and the doorkeepers shall alter-
nate in keeping the outside door of the ante-room ; and they
are hereby directed and required to enforce this order strictly. Mr. Earle submitted the following amendment : And further, that the assistant doorkeeper shall assist the
Janitor in cleaning up the Senate Chamber and ante-room. On the question being put, it was determined in the nega-
tive. The question then recurred upon the adoption of the order,
and the question being put, it was determined in the affirma-
tive. Mr. Stephenson submitted the following message : BY THE SENATE, January 11,1870.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates : We propose to your Honorable Body the appointment of a
Joint Committee of six—three on the part of each House—to
visit the new Government House and examine the same, and
make an estimate of the sum of money necessary to be appro-
priated to furnish it, in a suitable manner, having a proper
regard to economy; that said Committee be authorized to
superintend and control the disbursement of the money that
may be appropriated ; also, the purchase of the furniture;
and that said Committee report their estimate at the earliest
day practicable. We have appointed on the part of the
Senate Messrs. Stephenson, Henkle and Henry. By order,
AUGUSTUS GASSAWAY, Secretary. .Which was read) assented to, and sent to the House of