8 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Jan. 6,Mr. Stephenson submitted the following amendment: Ordered, That the Rev. Mr. Henderson be appointed
Chaplain to the Senate. On the question being put, it was determined in the nega-
tive. The question then recurred on the adoption of the order,
and it was determined in the affirmative by yeas and nays,
as follows: YEAS. Messrs. President. Jump,
Biggs, Kimmel,
Browne, Maddox,
Carroll, Malone,
Clarke, Miller,
Denson, Parker,
Fields, Snyder,
Grove, Timmons,
Henkle, Welch,
Henry, Wilson—20. NATS. Mr. Stephenson.—1.
On motion by Mr. Grove, it was Ordered, That the State Librarian shall procure and fur-
nish to each Senator a copy of the Constitution, the Code and
the Supplements, and that the Codes and Supplements be
returned at the end of the session. Mr. Grove submitted the following message : BY THE SENATE,
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates : We propose, by your concurrence, the appointment of a
Joint Committee of both Houses, consisting of three members
for each, with full power to send for persons and papers, to
the end that this Legislature may know what disposition has
been made of the funds heretofore appropriated by the State
for the National Cemetery, at Sharpsburg, Washington
County, by the Trustees of said Cemetery, and report at an
early day whether it be necessary to make any further appro-
priations for the purpose of interring the dead. who fell at the
battle of Antietam and South Mountain, and to ascertain and
report whether or not the said Trustees have fully complied
with the requirements of the charter granted them by the
State of Maryland.