860 / Maryland & the Federal Government Maryland Manual 1996-1997
________________UNITED STATES SENATE________________
The 100-member U.S. Senate consists of two members from each state. U.S. Senators are elected to
serve six-year terms (U.S. Constitution, Art. 1, sec. 3).
From 1789 to 1913, U.S. Senators from Maryland were chosen by the General Assembly. Since 1913,
they have been elected by the voters of Maryland (U.S. Constitution, Amendment 17).
BARBARA A. MIKULSKI, U.S. Senator from Maryland. Democrat.
Member, U.S. House of Representatives, 1977-87; Energy and Commerce
Committee, 1977-87; Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, 1977-87.
Executive committee, Congresswomen's Caucus. Member, U.S. Senate since
1987; Appropriations Committee (subcommittees: veterans affairs, dept. of
housing & urban development, & independent agencies; foreign operations;
treasury, postal service & general government; transportation; legislative
branch); Labor and Human Resources Committee (subcommittees: aging;
education, arts, & humanities); Select Committee on Ethics. Secretary,
Democratic Conference, 104th Congress. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July
20,1936. Mount Saint Agnes College, B.A., 1958; University of Maryland School
of Social Work, M.S.W, 1965. Author, lecturer, teacher, social worker. Member,
Baltimore City Council, 1971-76. Former adjunct professor, Department of
Sociology, Loyola College. Chair, Democratic Party Commission on Delegate
Selection and Party Structure, 1973. Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate seat in
Maryland, 1974. Consultant, National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs.
Delegate, International Women's Tear Conference, 1980; member, National
Organization for Women and National Women's Political Caucus. Honorary
degrees from Hood College, Goucher College, and Pratt Institute, New York.
District offices: World Trade Center, Suite 253, 401 E. Pratt St., Baltimore
21202-3041, tel. (410) 962-4510; 412 S. Highland Ave., Baltimore 21224, tcl.
(410) 563-4000; 60 West St. .Suite 202, Annapolis 21401, tel. (410) 263-1805;
9658 Baltimore Ave , Suite 208, College Park 20740, tel. (301) 345-5517; 82
W. Washington St., Suite 301, Hagerstown 21740-4804, tel. (301) 797-2826;
213-219 W. Main St., Salisbury 21801, tel. (410) 546-7711. Washington office:
709 Hart Senate Office Bidg., Washington, DC 20510-2003; tel. (202)
224-4654; e-mail: senator@mikulski.senate.gov.
PAUL S. SARBANES, U.S. Senator from Maryland. Democrat. Member, U.S.
House of Representatives, 1971-77; Judiciary Committee; Merchant Marine
and Fisheries Committee; Select Committee on House Reorganization
Member, U.S. Senate since 1977; Foreign Relations Committee (subcommittee
on international economic policy, export & trade promotions); Banking,
Housing and Urban Affairs Committee; Committee on the Budget; Joint
Economic Committee. Chair, Maryland Congressional Delegation. Regional
Vice-Chair, Democratic Policy Committee. Legislative draftsman, Department
of Legislative Reference, 1961 session of General Assembly Administrative
assistant to Walter W- Heller, chair of Council of Economic Advisers, 1962-63.
Executive director, Charter Revision Commission of Baltimore City, 1963-64.
Member, Maryland House of Delegates, 1966-70; Judiciary Committee; Ways
and Means Committee; vice-chair, Baltimore City Delegation, 1968. Born in
Salisbury, Maryland, February 3, 1933. Wicowico Sr. High School; Princeton
University, A.B., magna cum laude. Phi Beta Kappa, 1954; Rhodes Scholar at
Balliol College, Oxford University, first class B.A., honours in School of Philosophy,
Politics, and Economics, 1957; Harvard University School of Law, LL.B., cum
laude, I960. Law clerk to Judge Morris A Safer, U.S. Court of Appeals for the
fourth Circuit, 1960-61. Attorney; in private practice, 1961-62, 1965-70.
Member, Maryland State Bar Association. Married to Christine Dunhar Sarbanes;
three children; two grandchildren. District offices: 100 South Charles St., Tower
1, Suite 1010, Baltimore 21201, tel. (410) 962-4436; 1110 Bonifant St., Suite
450, Silver Spring 20910, tel. (301) 589-0797. Eastern Shore: 111 Baptist St.,
Suite 115, Salisbury, 21801; tel. (410) 860-2131. Southern Md.: Box 331,
15499 Potomac River Dr., Cobb Island, 20625; tel. (301) 259-2404. Western
Md.: 141 Baltimore St., Suite 206, Cumberland 21502; tel. (301) 724-0695.
Washington office: 309 Hart Senate Office Bidg., Washington, DC 20510; tel.
(202) 224-4524; TTD: (202) 224-3452; e-mail: senator@sarbanes.senatc.gov.