Maryland Manual 1996-1997 Maryland & the Federal Government / 861
The United States House of Representatives consists of 435 members. The number of members for
each state is determined by the state's population in the federal census. Based on the 1990 federal census,
Maryland has eight U.S. Representatives elected to serve two-year terms.
The legislature of each state prescribes when elections are to be held for U.S. Representatives (U.S.
Constitution, Art. 1, sec. 4). Since 1868, Maryland has elected its U.S. Representatives on the first Tuesday
in November of each even-numbered year.
WAYNE T. GILCHREST, U.S. Representative, 1st Congressional Dist.: Anne Arundel,
Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset
counties & Baltimore City. Republican. Member, U.S. House of Representatives since ] 991.
Member, Resources Committee (fisheries, wildlife & oceans subcomm.; Native Americans
& insular affairs subcomm.); Transportation and Infrastructure Committee (chair, public
buildings & economic development subcomm,; water resources subcomm.). Former
member. Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee; Public Works Committee. Born in
Rahway, New/erscy, April 15,1946. Served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1964-67; Vietnam, 1966-67
(Purple Heart Medal, Bronze Star Medal, Navy Commendation Medal). W'sley College, A.A.,
1971; Union College (Appalachian Semester studying rural poverty); Delaware State College,
B.A., 1973; Loyola College. Teacher (American history, government, civics), 1973-90. Member,
Kent County Teachers' Association. Member, American Legion; Veterans of foreign Wars;
Military Order of the Purple Heart. Married; three children. District offices: 521 Washington
Ave., C'hestertown 21620, tel. (410) 778-9407, (410) 287-3713; 1 Plaza East, Salisbury
21801, tel. (410) 749-3184; Anne Arundel Center North, 101 Crain Highway, Suite 509,
Glen Burnie 21061, tel. (410) 760-3372; Annapolis (410) 626-6139. Washington office:
332 Cannon House Office BIdg., Washington, DC 20515; tel. (202) 225-5311.
ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., U.S. Representative, 2nd Congressional Dist.: Anne
Arundel, Baltimore & Harford counties. Republican- Member, U.S. House of
Representatives since 1995. Member, Government Reform and Oversight Committee
(national economic growth, natural resources & regulatory affairs subcomm.; postal service
subcomm.; vice-chair, national security, international affairs &: criminal justice subcomm.);
Banking and Financial Services Committee (financial institutions & commercial credit
subcomm.; housing & financial services subcomm.). Member, House of Delegates, 1987-94;
Judiciary Committee, 1987-94; Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, 1991-93;
Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 1991-94. Member, Maryland Juvenile Justice
Advisory Council; Governor's Council on Child Abuse and Neglect; Task Force on the
Charles'H. Hickey, Jr. School, 1991. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, November 25, 1957.
Oilman School; Princeton University, B.A., 1979; Wake Forest University School of Law, J.D.,
1982. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983. Member, American, Maryland State, Baltimore City
and District of Columbia Bar Associations. Board of Directors, Exchange Club Center of
Maryland. Member, Exchange Club of Towsifn; Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Executive
Committee, Princeton University Alumni Assoc. of Maryland; Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
1976-79. Legislator of the Tear, Maryland State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police, 1989;
Maryland State's Attorneys Assoc., 1989; National Committee far the Prevention of Child Abuse,
1994. Outstanding Toung Marylander, Maryland Jaycees, 1995. Married. District office: 1407
York Rd., Suite 304, Lutherville 21093;'tel. (410) 333-7222. Washington office: 315
Cannon House Office BIdg., Washington, DC 20515; tel. (202) 225-3061.
BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, U.S. Representative, 3rd Congressional Dist.: Baltimore City &
Anne Arundel, Baltimore & Howard counties. Democrat. Member, U.S. House of
Representatives since 1987; Assistant Democratic Whip; Ways and Means Committee (health &
oversight subcomms.); Ethics Committee; Helsinki Commission on Security and Cooperation
in Europe. Chair, Democratic Transition Team. Steering Committee, Democratic Caucus.
House ofDelegates, 1967-86; Speaker, 1979-86; Chair, Ways and Means Committee, 1974-78.
Chair, State Federal Assembly (NCSL), 1980-81. Presidential Advisory Committee on
Federalism, 1981; Governor's Commission on Excellence in Higher Education, 1985. Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, Octobers, 1943. Baltimore public schools; University of Pittsburgh, B.A; cum
laude, 1964; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B../.D., 1967 (1st in class). Attorney. Chair,
Maryland Legal Services Corp., 1988—. Trustee, St. Mary's College of Maryland, 1988-93;
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1988—. Bd. of Visitors, University of Maryland School of Law, 1989—.
Bd. of Trustees, Univ. of Maryland Alumni Asm.-International, 1982-88. Bd. of Directors,
Associated Jewish Charities & Welfare Fund, 1985-89. Director, Re-Visions Foundation Inc.,
1988—. Israel Freedom Award, 1992. Representative of Tear, rational Multiple Sclerosis Society,
1993. Congressional award. Small Business Council of America, 1993. Ham National Leadership
Award, Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning, 1994. Married; two children. District office:
540 E. Belvedere Ave., Suite 201, Baltimore 21212—3750; tel. (410) 433-8886. Washington
office; 104 Cannon House Office BIdg., Washington, DC 20515; tel. (202) 225-4016; e-mail: World Wide Web.