lished by the Governor in February 1995 (Execu
tive Order 01 01 1995 05) The Commission ex
ammcd factors that made automobile insurance
rates excessiveh. high in Baltimore City These in
eluded rating practices of automobile insurers, at
torney involvement in automobile insurance
disputes, practices by health care providers in treat
ing accident victims, and actions by claimants that
may contribute to high rates The Commission also
reviewed how other states reduce the cost of auto
mobile insurance The Commission recommended
statutory changes for reducing automobile msur
ance costs in other jurisdictions, as well as Baltimore
City The role of the Maryland Automobile Insur
ance Fund in the automobile insurance market also
was considered by the Commission
On September 1,1995, the Commission submitted
its preliminary report to the Governor This report
recommended lowering premiums by eliminating
multiple recoveries for the same injury, limiting
medical costs and lessening attorney involvement
in bodily injury claims, particularly soft tissue mju
nes, and decreasing insurance fraud potential The
Commission also recommended reducing the num
ber of mandatory coverages in the State by making
personal injury protection and uninsured motorist
coverage optional, regulating territorial (by zip
code) rating practices, and implementing certain
highway safety measures After these proposals
were evaluated for cost effectiveness, the Commis-
sion submitted its final report in December 1995
K^ ^
Chair O James Lighthizer, Secretary of
Appointed by Governor J Owen Cole, Daniel A
Colussy, Donald P Hutchmson, Edward J
Kicmci, R Robcit Lmowcs, Esq , Alan J Noia,
Martha C Roach, George L Russell, Jr , Esq
Ex officio (nonvoting) Mark L Wasserman, Secretary
of Economic & Employment Development
P O Box 8755
Office of the Secretary
Dept of Transportation
BWI Airport, MD 21240 (410) 859 7600
In September 1993, the Governor created the Bal
timore/ Washington International Airport Corn
mission (Executive Order 01 01 1993 23) The
Commission advised the Secretary ofTransporta
tion on the management and operation of BWI
Airport policies, practices, and procedures
The Commission was superseded in October 1994
by the Maryland Aviation Commission (Chapter
457, Acts of 1994)
Elijah E Cummmgs, Chair
2419 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225 4741
The Commission reported its initial findings and
recommendations to the Governor and the General
Assembly in July 1993 The Commission last met
in Spring 1995
Timothy F Maloney, Chair
Appointed by Governor (who named chair) Stephen J
Alvarez, Mary Arabian, Benjamin L Brown, William E
Hanna, Jr, Janet L Hoflman, Daniel M Long, Henry
S Parker, Dennis J Psoras, Esq , Jillyn K. Schuize, Esq
Appointed by Senate President Laurence Levitan,
John A Pica, Jr
Appointed by House Speaker Richard N Dixon,
Kenneth H Masters
Ex officio Charles L Benton, Secretary of Budget &
Fiscal Planning, Martin W Walsh, Jr, Secretary of
General Services, Bishop L Robinson, Secretary of
Public Safety &- Correctional Services, Alfred T
Truitt, Jr , designee of Chief Judge, Court of Appeals
Contact Robinson J Bmau
c/ o Department of Budget & Fiscal Planning
45 Calvert St
Annapolis, MD 21401—1907 (410) 974 5633
The Governor formed the Governor's Commission
to Study State Assumption of the Circuit Courts in
July 1994 (Executive Order 01 01 1994 19) The
Commission explored ways in which the State
could assume funding and management of the
county circuit courts and the Baltimore City Circuit
Court In January 1995, the Commission submit
ted its final report The General Assembly consid
ered but did not enact Commission
recommendations during the 1995 session
James P Hamill, Chair, 1995
Appointed by Governor (who named chair) Alex
Azar, M D , Thomas P Barbera, Esq , Evelyn T
Beasley, Richard O Berndt, Esq , Michael E
Busch, Linda M DeFeo, M D , Duane C Dennis,
Arthur Dorman, Jon M Files, Diane K Fitzwater,
R N , John L Green, John Adams Hurson, William
L Jews, Mark A Levi, Maggie M Lintz, C James
Lowthers, James A Oakey, Marcia G Pines, Paul
Richards, Larry Young Terms expire 1995
Ex officio Martin P Wasserman, M D , J D ,
Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene, Dwight K
Bartlett III, Maryland Insurance Commissioner,
Morton I Rapoport, M D , President & Chief
Executive Officer, University of Maryland Medical
System, Michael M E Johns, M D , Dean, Johns
Hopkins Medical School