Chaw Alvm C Colhns, Secretary of Human Resources
Appointed by Governor (who named chair) Earl E
Barbour, Theodore R Eschenburg, Sr , John R
Koch, Susan P Leviton,Esq ,MarkT McDermott,
Esq , Dawn Oxiey Musgrave, Lsq , J Tyson
Tildon, Ph D , Ellen Warnock Eckhart
Appointed, by Senate President Delores G Kelley,
Christopher J McCabe
Appointed by House Speaker Emmett C Burns, Jr ,
Anne Healey
Ex officw Wendy J Greenberg, Esq , designee of
Attorney General, DonJuan Williams, designee of
Special Secretary for Children, Youth and Families
Staff A Susan Fernandez, Esq
c/ o Dept of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga St
Baltimore, MD 21201—3521 (410) 767 8965
The Governor's Commission on Adoption was
formed by the Governor in July 1995 (Executive
Order 01 01 1995 22) The Commission reviewed
laws, policies, practices, and studies on barriers to
adoption and recommended ways to improve the
adoption process The Commission evaluated
adoption monitoring, recruitment, case protocols
and guidelines, reimbursement, court procedures,
and additional funding sources Public/ private
partnership alternatives to improve the adoption
process also were considered by the Commission
The Commission reported to the Governor on
December 22, 1995
Tony Evans, Chair & Coordinator
Dept of Agriculture
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410)8415770
The Maryland Agricultural Emergency Task Force
was activated in 1986, 1987, 1991, and 1993
according to an emergency operations plan The
Department of Agriculture submitted this plan to
the Governor in 1986 The plan provided for ac
tions to be taken in agricultural emergencies, such
as droughts or floods
The Task Force has been inactive since 1993
The Group has been inactive since 1994
Barbara R Heller, Ed D , Co Chair
Paula C Hollmger, Co Chair
Appointed by Governor (who named co chairs)
Elizabeth Boehner, Vanessa S Carter, Darell R
Commack, Jr , John Enckson, Isabella Firth,
Richard Haddad, Sandy Harless, Joel D Myerberg,
Lynn C O'Connor, Susan Dishler Shubin, Glen A
Tipton, Donald H Vandrey, Jordana H Zubkoff
Appointed by Senate President Paula C Hollmger
Appointed by House Speaker Alfred W Redmer, Jr
Ex officio Alvin C Collms, Secretary of Human
Resources, Martin P Wasscrman, M D , J D ,
Secretary of Health & Mental riygiene. Sue F
Ward, Director ofAgmg
Contact Eric J Benzer, Esq
c/ o Office of the Governor
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 5135
The Governor formed the Governor's Task Force
on Assisted Living in September 1995 For the
elderly and individuals with disabilities who no
longer are independent, assisted living programs
provide help with daily activities, supervision to
assure safety, and some medical services
The Task Force charge was to review the public
health and safety needs of residents in assisted liv
ing programs, as well as the laws, regulations, poll
cies, and procedures relating to assisted living care
In addition, the Task Force was to identify stand
ards for combining regulations, propose ways to
merge duplicate responsibilities in State agencies,
and recommend reforms
The Task Force submitted its final report to the
Governor on November 21, 1995
David M Funk, Esq , Chair
Appointed by Governor Shelh Craver, Theresa V
Czarski, Esq , Philip O Foard, Esq , Gregory M
Gill, Esq , Arthur W Lambert, James R Lewis,
Martha C Roach
Appointed by Senate President Thomas L
Bromwell, Martin G Madden, John A Pica, Jr
Appointed by House Speaker Michael E Busch,
Cornell N Dypski, Charles A McClenahan
Appointed by Mayor, Baltimore City Kevin S
O'KeefFe, Esq , Melvin L Stukes
Ex officio Dwight K Bartlett III, Maryland
Insurance Commissioner
Staff Steven B Larsen
c/ o Governor's Legislative Office
State House
100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 5252
The Governor's Commission on Baltimore City
Automobile Insurance Rate Reduction was estab