Green, Marion H Harris, Nancy K Kopp, Stuart O
Simms, Vernon J Thompson Terms expire 1998
Five vacancies
Gary L Moore, Acting Chair
Appointed by State Superintendent of Schools
Cherryale Burge, Janet K Carsetti, Ph D , Jean
Chase, Ph D , Mary Ann Corley, Ph D , Eva
Eaton Smith, Maggi Games, Charlene Gallion,
Ernest R- Grecco, Keith A Hettel, Mary H Ives,
H David Jenkms, Ph D , Wcsley P McClendon,
Jr , Yvonne D Moten, Charles F Parvis, Richard
Ramsburg, Ann Vinup, James Williams, George
Wo)tech, Elizabeth A Young
lames E Callahan (410) 333 4454
The Work Force Investment Board began as the
Governor's Employment and Training Council in
March 1983 The Governor formed the Council by
Executive Order to be Maryland's job training
coordinating council under the federal Job Tram-
ing Partnership Act (PL 97300) Later that year,
the Council was established by statute (Chapter
268, Acts of 1983) In 1985, the Governor gave
the Council additional responsibilities and, in
1987, made it part of the Department of Economic
and Employment Development (Executive Orders
01 01 1985 14, 01 01 1987 24) The Council was
renamed the Work Force Investment Rnard in 1992
(Chapter 412, Acts of 1992)
Assuming duties of the State Council on Voca
tional Technical Education in 1993, the Board be
gan to serve as Maryland's human resource
investment council under the federal Job Training
Partnership Act (Chapter 463, Acts of 1993) Later
that year, the Board was made an agency separate
from the Department of Economic and Employ-
ment Development (Executive Order
01 01 1993 30) The Board helps plan, coordinate,
and monitor State programs and services for work
force investment in accordance with federal law
The Board consists of forty members appointed
by the Governor for terms of four years The Gov-
ernor names the chair (Code Labor and Employ
ment Article, sec 11 505)
Gary L Moore, Acting Chair
The State Advisory Committee for Adult and
Community Services started m December 1979 as the
Advisory Committee for the School Community
Centers Program within the State Department of
Education In 1980, it assumed its present name
and broadened its responsibilities to cover adult and
community education In 1993, it was made a
committee of the Governor's Work Force Invest
ment Board to advise the Board, the State Depart
ment of Education, and the State Superintendent
of Schools on adult education (Executive Order
01 01 1993 30) Now, it advises on statewide liter-
acy goals, adult and community education, and
recreation programs held at public schools after
Brig Gen John F Burk, Jr (Ret), Chair
Appointed by Governor Rosalie S Abrams, Brig Gen
Edmund G Beacham (Ret), Clarence W Blount,
Charles S Blumenthal, Bng Gen George M Brooks
(Ret), Claude L Callegary, Esq , Mary A Conroy,
Bng Gen Benjamin F Dean (Ret), Bng Gen
Bernard Femgold (Ret), Lt Gen (MD) James F
Fretterd, Gerald A Glaubitz, James A Holechek,
Edward T Kremer, Sr , Donald M McKee, Calvin E
Patton, Joseph I Pines, William F Surgi, Jr, MaJ
Gen MaunceD Tawes(Ret ),Col MartinW Walsh,
Jr (Ret), Ma) Gen Edwin Warfield III (Ret), Fred
L Wmeland, Edwin J Wolf, Esq
Contact Thomas E Bratten, Jr
c/ o Maryland Veterans Commission
Federal Building, Room 110
31 Hopkins Plaza
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 333 4428
The World War II Memorial Commission was
formed by lawm 1991 (Chapter 380. Acts of 1991)
and reconstituted by the Governor in 1994 (Exccu
tive Order 01 01 1994 20) The Commission ad
vises the Governor and General Assembly on the
design, construction, and placement of a memorial
or monument to those Marylanders who served in
World War II (Code 1957, Art 41, sec 18 303)
The Memorial is to be built on Route 450 over
looking the Severn River in Annapolis It is sched
uled to be completed and dedicated in June 1997
The Commission submitted a report to the
Governor and General Assembly in September
1992 Authorization for the Commission continues
until the Memorial is dedicated (Executive Order
01 01 1994 29)