George H Callcott, Ph D , Chair
Appointed by Governor Cornelius P Darcy, Ph D ,
Joseph T Durham, Ed D , Sandy F Eisenberg,
Marshall A Elkms, J D , Robert B Kershaw. J D ,
H Margret Zassenhaus, M D
Appointed by Board of Directors Taunya Lovell
Banks, J D , Raymond V (Buzz) Bartlett, Lowell
R Bowen, J D , Rhoda M Dorsey, Ph D ,
Gwendolyn E Freeman, Sr Virginia Geiger, Ph D ,
Andrea Hammer, Ph D , Sharon Harley, Ph D ,
Stephen ] Herman, Ph D , Paula J Johnson,
Nathaniel E Jones, J D , Mara Mayor, Ph D ,
Christopher B Nelson, J D , Steven C Newsome,
Ph D , William M Passano, Jr , Kenneth G
Rodgers, Barbara B Roque, J D , Ruthe T Steffey,
Ph D, Michael B Styer
Barbara Wells Sarudy, Executive Director
601 North Howard St
Baltimore, MD 21201—4585 (410) 625 4830
The Maryland Humanities Council was formed m
1974 in response to the federal law creating the
National Endowment tor the Humanities (PL 94
462) The Council is a private, nonprofit Maryland
corporation funded by the federal government, foun-
dations, corporations, and individuals, and by the
Division of Historical and Cultural Programs, Depart
ment of Housing and Community Development
The Council conducts programs and awards grants
tor projects to promote public understanding and
appreciation of the humanities in Maryland The
humanities include history, languages, literature, )u
nsprudence, ethics, philosophy, archaeology, lingms
tics, comparative religion, cultural anthropology, and
history and criticism of the arts
The Governor appoints six of the Council's
twenty six volunteer members
Thomas J Martin, Chair, 1996
Appointed by Governor Carolyn W Loyet, 1996,
Frank Pmter, 1996, Beverly Hamburger, 1997,
Andrea P Johnson, 1997, Joan O
McKmon-Reeves, 1997, David B Collms, 1998,
Edward B Grebenstem, Jr , 1998, Peggy K
Martin, 1998
Nonvoting members John A Folk, Ed D , 1996,
Janie B Scott, 1997, Can C Watrous, 1998
Contact Donna Lippa
c/ o Division of Rehabilitation Services
State Dcpt of Education
2301 Argonne Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218-1696 (410) 554 9437
The Maryland Statewide Independent Living
Council was started in 1988 by the State Depart-
ment of Education as an advisory body to the
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation In Septem
ber 1993, the Governor established the Council as
an independent policy body in accordance with
1992 amendments to the federal Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 (Executive Order 01 01 1993 24,29USC
796d) Today, the Council and the Division of
Rehabilitation Services jointly develop the State
Plan for Independent Living Rehabilitation Serv
ices and monitor its implementation To provide
and improve independent living services to mdi
viduals with disabilities, the Council coordinates its
work with the State Rehabilitation Advisory Coun
cil and other agencies
The Council helps keep persons with disabilities
active in family and community life rather than
isolated in institutions It aids them in becoming as
self-reliant and self-sufficient as possible Whenever
appropriate, it helps them secure work
The Governor appoints Council members to
serve three year terms
Chair JohnT Wilhs, Secretary of State
Appointed by Cravrrnnr Brig Gen Edmund G
Beacham, M D (Ret ), Col Alonzo D Black, Jr ,
Esq , Thomas E Bratten, Jr , Lillian R Delaney,
Ulysses G Demond III, Brig Gen Bernard
Feingold (Ret), Col Howard S Freedlander, Lt
Gen (MD) James F Fretterd, Nancy N Kurtz,
Barrett L McKown, Manan L Patterson, Calvin E
Patton, Orlando Ridout V, Thomas J Rostkowski,
Richard J Santos, Brig Gen Philip Sherman
(Ret), Brig Gen Ernest M Snyder (Ret ), John
C Sprague, Gregory A Stiverson, Ph D, Rear
Adm Louise C Wilmot (Ret )
Frank Kobihs, Program Coordinator
Staff Beverly D Valcovic
c/ o Office of Secretary of State
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 5539
The Governor established the Governor's Com-
mission on Maryland Military Monuments in Janu-
ary 1989 (Executive Order 01 01 1989 02) The
Commission inventories Maryland military monu-
ments Each monument is identified bv name, date
of construction, location, and original sponsorship
Current ownership of both the monument and its