site is noted with a complete description of the
monument, including its construction materials,
condition, theme, inscriptions, if any, and who is
responsible for maintenance
The Commission determines the cost to restore
damaged monuments and secures funds tor restoration
In addition, the Commission assigns responsibility for
the maintenance of each monument and prepares edu
cauonal and tourism materials for public distribution
Appointed by the Governor, the Commission
consists of up to twenty one members The Secre-
tary of State serves as chair
Chair David L Winstead, Secretary of
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Rita
Bontz, Donald M Bowman, Richard A Carey,
Harvey Clearwater, Herbert Conkhn, Ma]
Raymond D Cotton, Anthony Dell'Isola, Ronald
L Freeland, Gerry A Gletka, Linden E Heavner,
Claude M Ligon, Ph D , Kenneth L Pierson, D
Bruce Poole, William L Rohrbaugh, Ida G Ruben,
Walter C Thompson
Contact Clyde E Pyers
c/ o State Highway Administration
Dept of Transportation
707 North Calvert St, Room 416
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333 0327
In April 1989, the Governor's Motor Carrier
Task Force for Safety and Uniformity was ap-
pointed by the Governor as the successor to the
Governor's Task Force on Uniform Motor Carrier
Procedures, and the Truck Safety Task Force The
Task Force studies procedures for taxation, regis-
tration, and administrative regulation of heavy
trucks and buses It develops procedures that are
simple and uniform, while ensuring safety and pay-
ment of a fair share of highway user costs by
commercial vehicles
George L Russell, Jr , Esq , Chair
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Aris Tee
Allen, Jr , Nancy Brennan, Harold A Carter,
Ph D , Spencer R Crew, Ph D , Samuel T Daniels,
Sr , Vernon N Dobson, Louis J Grasmick, Caria
D Hayden, Ph D , Burney J Hollis, Ph D , Susan
M Jones, Dons H Ligon, franklin M Reid III,
Ph D , Barbara Wells Sarudy, Walker S Thomas,
Ph D , Linda Pmder Whcatley
Ex offlcw James T Brady, Secretary of Business &
Economic Development, Patricia J Payne,
Secretary of Housing & Community Development,
Kurt L Schmoke, Mayor of Baltimore City
Nikki Smith, Executive Director
c/ o Division of Historical & Cultural Programs
Dept of Housing & Community Development
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032 (410) 514 7654
Annual Report to Governor due Dec 1
The Governor established the Maryland Museum
of African-American History and Culture Comrms
sion in August 1994 (Executive Order
01 01 199423) The sixteen member Commission
will plan construction, operation, and programming
of the Maryland Museum of African American His-
tory and Culture The Commission will secure gov
ernment and private foundation funding for the
project as well as community and technical support
for its operation A State facility, the Museum is
expected to open m the year 2000 at the corner of
Pratt and President Streets in Baltimore
Chair Edward C Papenfuse, Ph D , State
Historical Records Coordinator
Appointed by Governor George H Callcott, Ph D ,
Richard J S Dodds, Ph D , Dennis A Fion,
Burton K Kummerow, Ph D , Roland C
McConnell, Ph D , James Neal, Elizabeth Schaaf,
George Wheelock Terms expire 1999
R J Rockefeller, Deputy Coordinator
c/ o State Archives
350 Rowe Blvd
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410)974-3915
In 1976, the Governor appointed the Maryland
Advisory Board of the National Historical Publica
tions and Records Commission to carry out the
historical records program of the National Histori-
cal Publications and Records Commission The
program is a cooperative effort of the Commission,
state records coordinators, state advisory boards,
and institutions and organizations throughout the
country concerned with the records of the nation
The National Historical Publications and Re
cords Commission encourages government and
private organizations to preserve and make avail
able for use those records that further an apprecia