Legislative Drafting and Statutory Revision 135, 136
Legislative election districts 122,126, 127
Legislative Ethics Committee, Joint 38, 48
Legislative information 35, 45
Legislative Information System, Maryland (MLIS) 45, 135
Legislative Office, AG 174, 179
Legislative Office, Governor's 142
Legislative Policy Committee 35, 46
Legislative process 41
Legislative Reference Department 38, 45, 135
Legislative Reterence Library and Information
Services Division 45,136, 137
Legislative Support Services 134
Legislature See General Assembly
Leonardtown 822
Libraries 8, 136, 137, 234, 240, 241, 529, 704
Libraries Advisory Council 234, 240
Library and Information Services Division,
Legislanve Reference 45, 136, 137
Library Development and Services Division 232, 234, 240
advisory council 234, 240
Library tor Blind and Physically Handicapped 234, 241
Library Media Services Branch, School 236, 249
Library Resource Center, State 234, 241
License Bureau, State 162, 166
License Office, Central 417
Licensing and Ceruficarion Administration,
DHMH 295, 301, 320
Licensing and Consumer Services Division, MVA 506, 517
Licensing and Registration Service, DNR 443, 457
Licensing and Regulation Department 417
Licensing and Regulatory Boards 417
Licensing and School Vehicle Safety Division 521
Licensing and School Vehicle Safety Division,
Driver 505
Licensing and Warercraft Registration Service 458
Licensing Boards 415, 426
Licensing Division, DSP 493,498
Licensing Policy Board 150, 152
Lieutenant Governor 140, 160
biography of Lt Governor Townsend 30
vacancy in office 41
Light rail line 12,13, 505, 515
Lighthouses Commission 625
Literacy Dissemmation Center, Adult 246
Literacy Sen ices Branch, Adult Education and 235, 246
Literacy Works Program 246
Living Resources Subcommittee 447
Loan and Grant Program, Lead Hazard Reduction 362
Loan Program for Targeted Areas, Action, DHCD 361
Loan Repayment Program, Physician 341
Loans, College 553
Lobbyist registration 549
Local and Family Health Administration 295, 307, 336
Local and Family Health Surveillance Data Book 338
Local government 6, 717
I ocal Government Advisory Committee on
Chesapeikc Bay Program 851
Local Government Infrastructure Financing
Program 352,361
Local Government Infrastructure Program 359
Local Government Joint Committee, Mandates on 37, 47
Local Government Technical Assistance Office 369
Local Jurisdictions for Education, State Aid to 229
Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program 155
Local Operations Office, DHR 391
Local Planning, State and 570, 572
Loch Lynn Heights 781
Lonacomng 720
Long Term Care Division 299, 315, 316
Long Term Care Division, Client Services and 524
Long Term Care Program 301, 320
Long Term Guarantee Program 222
Lottery Agency 560
Lottery Commission 561
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program 360
Lower Eastern Shore Tourism Center Advisory
Committee 710
Luke 720
Lunacy Commission 312, 341
Magistrate Judges, U S 870
Mamstreet Designation Program 361
Mamstreet Improvement Program 361
Maintenance, Facilities Operations and 279, 282, 286
Management, Planning, and Education
Outreach Office, DHCD 369
Management Analysis, DGS 292
Management Analysis and Audits Division 202, 205
Management and Productivity Council 202, 205
Management Information Systems and
Mapping Support Program, SDAT 533
Management Information Systems Division, DEN 277
Management of Public Funds Joint Committee 38, 48
Management Service, DNR 437, 449
Management Subcommittee 37, 46
Manchester 755
Mandates on Local Government Joint Committee 37, 47
Manufactures 8,213
Manufacturing Advisory Committee 228
Manufacturing Competitiveness Commission 216, 224
Maple Run \outh Center 399, 408
Mapping and Property Research, DNR 439, 452
Mapping Committee, Geologic 437, 448
Mapping Committee, State 458
Mapping Support Program, Management
Information Systems and, SDAT S33
Annapolis, State government buildings in 27
Baltimore, sites of interest 11
congressional election districts 864
historical 527
judicial circuits, circuit court 661
legislative election distncts 122
light rail 13
MARC Rail Commuter Service 12, 13, 505, 516
Mardela Springs 842
Mannas, State 450