Marine Biotechnology Center 615
Marine Fisheries Commission 850
Marketing 198
Marketing and Agricultural Development 187, 192
Marketing and Operations Office, DhED 228
Marketing Division 214, 216, 222
Markets Office, Developing, DEED 228
Marriage records 330
Marshal, U S 870
Marshall Memorial Statue Commission, Thurgood 637
Martin State Airport 1, 2, 503, 512
Martmak State Park Board 438
Martin's Additions 802
Marydel 750
Maryland 1
agricultural produce 1
agriculture 1, 184, 593, 602
airports 1, 503, 510, 512
aquaculture 2, 191
archives 2,525
arts & culture 2, 227
boating waters 3, 457
bridges 3, 509, 520, 521
capital 3
cities & towns, incorporated 10
climate 3
distances 3
economy 4,213
education 5,229
employment 5,411
forests 6, 438, 450, 451
government 6,24
government records 531
great seal 14
health care 6, 293, 310, 314, 315, 386, 615
highv, ays & roads 7, 508,509,512
historical chronology 19
holidays 8
income 4
industries 4
labor force 5
land area 2
libraries 8,136,137, 234, 240, 241. 529, 704
light rail lines 12,13,515
location 8
manufactures 8,213
mass transit 12. 504, 514, 715, 858
mineral production 8, 274
museums 8, 11, 353, 365, 634
name & nicknames 9
parks & recreation areas 9, 438, 450
physiography 9,447
population 10, 329, 571
port of Baltimore 12, 510, 519
railroads 12, 13, 509, 515
rivers 3, 12,438, 450, 570, 571, 714, 856, 857
seafood production 12, 455
sports 12
state symbols 14
statehood 12
subway systems 12, 13, 516
technology 4,216, 228,613
transportation, public 12, 511, 514, 715, 858
tunnels 13,509,520,521
unincorporated areas 10
universities &colleges 5, 535, 553, 566, 584, 589, 621
water area 2
water frontage 13
Maryland, My Maryland 18
Maryland Agricultural Statistics 195
Maryland Agri Facts 195
Maryland Appellate Reports 699
Maryland Bred Race Fund Advisory Committee 416, 430
Maryland Calendar of Events 227
Maryland Contract Weekly 147, 149
Maryland Fair and Show Schedule 193
Maryland Gives Task Force 539
Maryland Hospital 312
Maryland Information Retrieval System (MIRS) 147, 149
Maryland Making the Grade 151,153
Maryland Manual 147,527,528
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning
Commission 711
Maryland Nongame and Endangered Species
Conservation Act Task Force 458
Maryland Register 147,149
Maryland Reports 699
Maryland Travel and Outdoor Guide 227
Marylanders Who Served the Nation A Biographical
Dictionary of Federal Officials from Maryland 527
Maryland's Tomorrow High School and Middle
School Drop-Out Prevention Programs 247
Mass Transit See also Transportation, public
Mass Transit Adrnimstrauon 502, 504, 514
citizens advisory committee 504
police 504
Materials Management Division 283, 289
Maternal and Child Health Division 299, 316
Maternal Health and Family Planning Office 308, 340
Mathematical Modeling and Information
Systems Management Program, DEN 278
MdProperty View 572
Meadow Mountain Youth Center 399,408
Medicaid See also Medical Assistance Program
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, AG 173,178
Medicaid Information Systems Division 318
Medicaid Quality Control Unit 299
Medical Advisory Board, MVA 505, 517
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland 311, 312, 326
Medical and Surgical Treatments Task Force,
Emerging 547
Medical Assistance Program See also Medicaid
Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid)
advisory committee 299,315
Medical Assistance Provider Relations 317
Medical Assistance Recoveries Division 299
Medical Biotechnology Center 615
Medical care 6, 293, 310, 314, 315, 386, 615
Medical care See also Health Care
Medical Care Finance and Compliance
Administration 295,299,314
Medical Care Policy Administration 296, 299, 315