Judicial Circuits, Circuit Court 659
Judicial Compensation Commission 560
Judicial Compensation Committee 697
Judicial Conference, Maryland 696
execuuve committee 696, 698
Judicial Disabilities Commission 699, 701
Judicial Education Committee, District Court 682, 685
Judicial Institute of Maryland 696, 698
Judicial Liaison Committee, DJJ 397, 404
Judicial Nominating Commissions 699
Judicial Nominating Commissions Task Force 643
Judicial Proceedings Committee (Senate) 52, 55
Judiciary Committee (House) 72, 76
Justice Administration Office 146, 154
Juvenile Courts 401
Juvenile Justice, Cabinet Council on Criminal
and 143,145
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Program 155
Juvenile Justice Department 393, 403
advisory board 397, 404
female population task force 397, 404
historical evolution 393
local offices 398
origin & functions 400
secretary 182, 397, 404
Juvenile Justice Program 155
advisory council 155, 156
Juvenile Justice Reform Task Force 143
Juvenile Law Committee 697
Juvenile Probationary School of Baltimore County 625
Juvenile Services Department 403
Juvenile Services Initiative, Joint Oversight
Committee on 138
Kcedysville 837
Kennedy Memorial Highw ay 520
Kensington 802
Kent County 793
child care office 375
government 793
juvenile justice office 398
property tax assessment appeals board 574
Kent Island, settlement 19
Kernan Hospital 617
Key Bridge 520
Kidney Disease Commission 301, 322
Kidney Disease Program 300, 317
Kids in Safety Seats (KISS) Program 338
KitzmiJler 781
Korean War Memorial, Maryland 620, 621
La Plata 765
Labor, I icensmg, and Regulation Department 411
historical evolution 411
origin & functions 416
secretary 182,412,418
Labor and Industry Department 218
Labor and Industry Division 411, 413, 421
Labor and Statistics Board 417
Labor Certification, Allen 413, 420
Labor Education Achievement Program (LEAP) 246
Labor force 5
Labor laws, child 422
Labor Market Analysis and Infornntion Office 413, 420
laboratories ^4,454,493,498 530,613
Laboratories Administration, C ommunit)
Health Surveillance and 29S 305,333
Laboratories Office 306, 334
Laboratory Advisory Committee 306, 334
Laboratory Program 301, "520
Land and Water C onservation Ser\ ice 439, 451
Land area 2
Land Enhancement Serv ices 458
Land Patents 529
Land Preservation Program Agricultural 193
Land Reclamation Committee 258, 273
Land records 531
Land Surveyors Board 415,428
Landfills 549
Land Use Task Force, Port 636
Landlord Tenant Affairs Advison Council 369
Landover Hills 811
Landscape Architects Board 416,428
Lane Memorial Bridge 521
Language Development and Earl\ Learning
Branch 236,248
Language Pathologists Board, Speech 301, 321
Laurel 811
Law Enforcement Assistance Program 155
Law Enforcement Program 15^, 1%
Law Enforcement Task Force 143
Law Examiners Board 702
Law Library, State 704
I aws See also Annotated C ode of Man land
Bills, General Assembly, 1 cgislati\e process
Laws of Maryland 4S
I awvers, admission to bar 702
Laytonsville 802
Lead Compliance Division 277
Lead Hazard Advisors Committee 351,359
Lead Hazard Reduction Loan and Grant Program 362
Lead Paint Abatement Program 369
Lead Paint Poisoning Commission 625
I cad Poisoning Advisory Council 276
Lead Poisoning Prevention Commission 257, 270
Lead Poisoning Prevention Program 269
Lease Management and Procuiemcnt 284, 292
Legal Counsel and Regulator^ Affairs Office 142
Legal Services, DHR 376, ?85
Legal Services Corporation S60
Legislative agencies 132
Legislate e Audits Office 134
Legislative Branch 6, 25, 35 36
Legislative Branch See a&o General Assemble
Legislative Data Processing Office 38, 4S, 134
Legislate e Data Systems Joint Ad\ isorv
Committee 37,46
Legislauve Districting Plan of 1992 127
Legislative Division, 1 cgislative Reference 135, 136