76 /House of Delegates Maryland Manual 1994-1995
CASPER R. TAYLOR, JR., Democrat, District 2A, Allegany & Washing-
ton Counties. Member of House of Delegates since 1975. Speaker since 1994.
Co-Chair, Legislative Policy Committee, 1994— (member, 1987-94). Chair,
Economic Matters Committee, 1987-94 (vice-chair, 1978-86). Co-Chair,
Special Joint Committee on Economic Development Strategy, 1988-91.
Member, Spending Affordability Committee, 1994—; Rules and Executive
Nominations Committee, 1987-94. Chair, Western Maryland Delegation,
1982-86; Allegany County Delegation, 1987—. Past member, Special Joint
Committee on Energy Pricing; Special Joint Committee on Transportation;
Joint Committee on Energy; Joint Committee on Maryland Port; Tort and
Insurance Reform Oversight Committee. Born in Cumberland, Maryland,
December 19, 1934. Attended Allegany County parochial schools; University of
Notre Dame, B.A., 1956. Served in U.S. Air Force R.O.T.C., 1952-54. Member,
Tri-County Council for Western Maryland, Commission to Study Public Service
Commission Law, 1977-80; Citizens Advisory Board, Finan Hospital Center,
1988—; Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments, 1989—;
Governors Commission on Insurance, 1990-92; Maryland Tourism Development
Board, 1993—. Past president, Allegany County Liquor Dealers; Dapper Dan
Club; Academy of Political Science, Notre Dame. Member, Elks; Eagles; Alhambra;
Knights of Columbus; Cumberland Hall of Fame; South Cumberland Business &
Civic Association; Chamber of Commerce; Maryland Wildlife Federation. Board
of Advisors, Sacred Heart Hospital. Married. District office: 501 N. Mechanic
St., Cumberland 21502; tel. (301) 724-9234. Annapolis office: 101 State
House, 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3800.
LEON ALBIN, Democrat, District 11, Baltimore County. Member of House of Dele-
gates since 1987. Member, Economic Matters Committee, 1991—. Member, Constitu-
tional and Administrative Law Committee, 1987-91; Special House Committee on Drug
and Alcohol Abuse, 1987-91. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December 24, 1925. Baltimore
City College; University of Baltimore, B.S. (marketing), 1951. Served in U.S. Nary, 1944-45.
Retired sporting goods chain store owner. Member, Democratic State Central Committee,
1974-78. Chairman, Baltimore County Advisory Committee on Small Business, 1976-77.
Member, Baltimore County Board of Liquor License Commissioners, 1983-87. Member, State
Commission on Neighborhoods, 1994—. Member, Greater Baltimore Board of Realtors. Board
of Directors, Save-a-Heart; Safety First Club of Maryland. Member, Baltimore District Zionist
Organization (president, 2 years). Board of Directors, Maryland Committee for Israel Bonds.
Member, Jewish War Veterans. Founding member, Ner Tamid Greenspring Synagogue (chair,
board of directors, 2 years); Talmudical Academy (chair, building fund, 2 years; chair,
Talmudical Academy dinner, 20 years). Married; four children; three grandchildren. District
office; 6512 Edenvale Rd., Baltimore 21209-2721; tel. (410) 486-1365. Annapolis office;
310 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3342.
GARY R. ALEXANDER, Democrat, District 27, Prince George's County. Member,
House of Delegates since 1983; Economic Matters Committee, 1988—(vice-chair, 1991-92);
Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 1993—; Legislative Policy Committee (man-
agement subcomm.). Speaker Pro Tem, 1993—. Chair, House Facilities Committee, 1993.
House Chair, Special Joint Committee on Energy Pricing, 1990-91; Joint Committee on
Management of Public Funds, 1984-88. Chair, Bi-County Committee, 1986-90 (member,
subcomm. on law enforcement & transportation, 1983—). House rep., Growth & Transpor-
tation Task Force, Council of Governments, 1990—. National Conf. of State Legislatures
(government advisory comm.; comm. on law & justice, 1993—; commerce & economic
development comm., 1994—). Bom in Washington, DC, November 16, 1942. Univ. of Virginia,
B.A, 1964; George Washington Univ. Law School, LL.B., 1967. Lawyer. American Bar Assoc.
(chair, special comm. on auto insurance legislation, 1978-81); Md. State Bar Assoc. (chair, federal
law subcomm., 1974-79); Virginia & DC Bar Assocs. People's Counsel, Public Service Commission,
1974-77. Chair, PG Co. Drug Advisory Comm., 1977; Alternate Fuels Task Force, 1979. PG Co.
Salary Review Bd., 1974; Charter Review' Commission, 1976; State Advisory Panel Executive
Comm., Federal Energy Admin., 1976-78; citizen rep.. Public Advisory Comm., Metropolitan
Washington Council of Governments, 1982. Democratic Central Comm., 1978-86 (chair, 1981-86).
Married; two children. District office: 11414 Livingston Rd., Fort Washington 20744; tel. (301)
292-3300. Annapolis office: State House, Room H4, 21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3391.