Maryland. Manual 1994-1995 House of Delegates /77
CURTIS STOVALL ANDERSON, Democrat, District 44, Baltimore City. Member
of House of Delegates since 1983. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1991—; Special House
Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 1983-90.
Member, Joint Task Force on Catastrophic Liability Insurance Fund and Maryland
Insurance Exchange, 1986. Chairman Emeritus, Legislative Black Caucus. Member,
Southern Legislative Conference (education committee). Born in Chicago, Illinois, October
12, 1949. Baltimore City College; Rutgers University; Morgan State College, B.A., 1974;
University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1988. Member,
Governor's Task Force to Study Alternative College Financing Methods, 1987; Governor's
Commission on Mary land Military Monuments, 1989—. Former broadcast journalist, WBAL-
TV (Channel 11—Baltimore) and anchor, WMAR-TV (Channel 2—Baltimore). Member,
American federation of Television and Radio Artists, 1975-82. Baltimore Urban League staff,
1973-75. Life member, NAACP. Board of Provident Hospital, 1978-82. Member, Ray of Hope
Baptist Church. District office; 1664 Northgate Rd., Baltimore 21218; tel. (410) 313-6425.
Annapolis office: 301 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3259.
JOHN S. ARNICK, Democrat, District 7, Baltimore County. Member, House of Dele-
gates, 1967-79, 1983-92, and since 1993. Chair, Baltimore County Delegation, 1969-70.
Member, Legislative Policy Committee, 1969-79. Majority Leader, 1971-79. Chair, En-
vironmental Matters Committee, 1972-79. Member, Economic Matters Committee,
1983-87; Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 1983-92; Special Joint Commit-
tee on Energy Pricing, 1990-91. House Chair, Joint Committee on Administrative, Ex-
ecutive and Legislative Review, 1983-86. Chair, Environmental Matters Committee,
1987-90. Majority Leader, 1987-90. Member, Legislative Policy Committee, 1987-92.
House Chair, Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee. Chair, Judiciary Com-
mittee, 1991-92. Member, Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1994—.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, November 27, 1933. Attended Baltimore County schools; Calvert
Hall School; Univ. of Baltimore, B.S., 1956. Served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1956-59. Univ. of
Baltimore School of Law, LL.B., 1961. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1961. Member, Maryland
& Baltimore County Bar Assocs. Baltimore County Magistrate at Large, 1966-67. Member,
Governor's Special Committee on the Port of Baltimore, 1987-88; Retail Security Task Force,
1987-88; Energy Overcharge Restitution Trust Fund Board of Trustees, 1987-89; Governor's
Commission on Health Care Policy and Financing, 1988-92; Maryland Greenways Commis-
sion, 1990—. Member, Sons of Italy. District office: tel. (410) 285-2109. Annapolis office:
303 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3334.
MICHAEL E. ARRINGTON, Democrat, District 25, Prince George's County. Mem
ber of House of Delegates since 1991. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1991—. Member,
Bi-County Committee of Prince George's County Delegation. Born in Montgomery,
Alabama, October 21, 1955. University of Maryland, B.A., 1978; Bowie State University, M.A.
candidate (public administration). Executive Director, Maryland Minority Contractors' Asso-
ciation. Executive Committees of NAACP, Community Task force of Prince George's County,
and Largo Civic Association. Vice-President, Maryland 100. Board of Directors, Prince George's
County Child Care Resource Center. Member, American Council of Young Political Leaders.
Member, Prince George's County Advisory Board to National Conference of Christians and Jews.
Member, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity (past president, College Park chapter). Former member,
Maryland Terrapins football team. Annapolis office: 203 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-
1991; tel. (301) 858-3076, (410) 841-3076.
JOHN C. ASTLE, Democrat, District 30, Anne Arundel County. Member of House of
Delegates since 1983. Member, Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1994—.
Member, Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 1987—; Joint Expenditure Study Group
on Law Enforcement and Transportation. Member, Appropriations Committee, 1987-93
(vice-chair, capital budget subcommittee); Special Joint Committee on Energy Pricing,
1990-91. Chairman, Anne Arundel County Delegation, 1986-91. Born in Charlestown,
West Virginia, March 31, 1943. Barboursville High School, Barboursville, West Virginia;
Marshall University, B.A., 1966; Catholic University of America, graduate studies, 1972-74.
Employed in aviation. Served in U.S. Marine Corps, captain, 1966-75 (31 air medals, 2 purple
hearts, presidential service badge). Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. Member, State Com-
mission on the Capital City. Member, Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association; American
Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Assigned to White House support staff'for three and one-half
years. Married; two children. Annapolis office: 212 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991;
tel. (410) 841-3209.