Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Joseph F. Vallario, Jr., Chairperson
Joel Chasnoff, Vice-Chairperson
Lowe House Office Building, Room 121
6 Governor Bladen Blvd.
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-3488
Origins of the Judiciary Committee trace first to
the Committee on Aggrievances, which began in
1692, and then to the Committee on Aggrievances
and Courts of Justice which was functioning by
1722 in the Lower House of the General Assembly
By 1751, the Committee was styled the Committee
on Grievances and Courts of Justice. Under that
name, the Committee continued until 1852. Some
of the Committee's legislative concerns had been
assumed in 1828 by the Crimes and Punishments
Committee, a standing committee established that
year. Responsibilities of both these committees
were assigned to the new Judiciary Committee in
1852, when the House of Delegates established the
Standing Committee on Judiciary. At its first legis-
lative session following ratification of the Constitu-
tion of 1851, the House formed the Committee to
consider laws relating to a court system, newly
altered by Maryland's second constitution.
Today, the Committee still considers legislation
relating to judicial administration and court struc-
ture. It also is concerned with administrative law;
alcoholic beverages; civil rights; commercial law;
constitutional amendments; corporations and asso-
ciations; crimes and punishments; election laws;
estates and trusts; ethics; family law; juvenile
causes; the legal profession; legal rights and immu-
nities; and vehicle laws. Twenty-two delegates serve
on this committee.
Sheila E. Hixson, Chairperson
Richard Rynd, Vice-Chairperson
Lowe House Office Building, Room 111
6 Governor Bladen Blvd.
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-3469
A predecessor of the Ways and Means Commit-
tee first appeared in the House of Delegates in
1791. During that legislative session, the Commit-
tee on Public Revenues, Debts and Expenditures,
and Ways and Means was formed as a special com-
mittee apparently for that session only. As a stand-
Legislature /75
ing committee, the Ways and Means Committee
began in 1818.
The Ways and Means Committee considers leg-
islation relating to education; gambling; health
(minors' access to cigarettes; compulsive gambling;
treatment); local government; social services (adult
public guardianship); State government (special
commissions; State Archives; Secretary of State);
taxes; and transportation. The Committee consists
of twenty-two delegates.
Under the Committee, five subcommittees were
formed in 1994: Education; Financing Resources;
Housing and Social Issues; Taxes and Revenues;
and Transportation.
Hattie N. Harrison, Chairperson
Rose Mary Hatem Bonsack, Vice-Chairperson
Lowe House Office Building, Room 406
6 Governor Bladen Blvd.
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-3923
In November 1795, the House of Delegates
established a committee "to report such rules as are
proper to be observed during this session." The
Committee came to be known as the Rules Com-
mittee. In 1966, it was renamed the Rules and
Organization Committee and, in 1968, reorganized
as the Rules, Organization, and Executive Nomina-
tions Committee. The Committee received its pre-
sent name in 1969.
The Rules and Executive Nominations Commit-
tee considers proposals concerning the rules, or-
ganization, and procedures of the House; and
considers proposals affecting the legislature as an
institution and its agencies. The Committee reviews
legislation introduced after the bill deadline, and
decides on re-referral of those bills to other com-
mittees for consideration. In addition, the Commit-
tee examines nominations requiring House
confirmation and reports its recommendations.
Casper R. Taylor, Jr., House Speaker
Kenneth H. Masters, Majority Leader
Ellen R. Sauerbrey, Minority Leader
The Consent Calendars Committee determines
the bills and joint resolutions proposed for inclusion
on the consent calendar (House Rule 18).