64 /State Senate Maryland Manual 1994-1995
NANCY L. MURPHY, Democrat, District 12, Baltimore County. Member, House of
Delegates, 1983-89 (first woman elected from District 12); House Majority Whip; Legislative
Policy Committee. Member, Senate since 1989. Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1989-90,
1992—; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1994—; Joint
Committee on Protocol. Budget and Taxation Committee, 1991; Joint Subcommittee on
State's Capital Program, 1991-92. Women Legislators of Md. Catonsville Sr. High School;
Catonsville Community College. Realtor. Citizens Advisory Board, Regional Institute for Children
and Adolescents—Baltimore, 1983-93; Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission, 1984-89; Gov-
ernor's Task Force on Self-Esteem, 1990-91; State Council on Cancer Control, 1993—; Maryland
Juvenile Justice Advisory Council; Governor's Volunteer Council, Elected to Democratic State Central
Committee, 1978. President, Md. Assoc. of Elected Women. Member, Catonsville Chamber of
Commerce; Business & Professional Women; Soroptomist; United Democratic Women; Columbia
Democratic Club; English Consul Democratic Club; Dist. 12 Democratic Club; NDC-1; League of
Women Voters; Catonsville Historical Society. Bd. of Directors, Sexual Assault Domestic Violence
Center (SADVC), Inc. Woman of the Year, Women's Council of Realtors, 1983, 1988. legislative
Honor Roll, Md. Psychosocial Services, 1988. Boating Hall of Fame, Woman of Distinction, Women's
Alliance of Md. District office: 1330 Sulphur Spring Rd., 2nd floor, Baltimore 21227; tel. (410)
242-5699. Annapolis office: 205 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401 1991; tel. (410) 841-3653.
THOMAS PATRICK O'REILLY, Democrat, District 22, Prince George's County.
Member of Senate since 1975. Chair, Finance Committee, 1991—. Senate Chair, Joint
Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 1993—. Member, Executive Nomi-
nations Committee, 1984—; Spending Affordability Committee, 1988—; Rules Com-
mittee, 1991—; Legislative Policy Committee, 1991—; Joint Budget and Audit
Committee, 1991—. Member, Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, 1988-
93. Senate Chair, Special Joint Committee on the Medical Assistance Program, 1988-92.
Senate Chair, Special Joint Committee on Energy Pricing, 1990-91. Senate Chair, Joint
Committee on Health Care Cost Containment, 1990-92. Born in New York, New York,
September 2, 1938. Attended Washington, DC, and Prince George's County parochial and public
schools. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1961 -64. University of Maryland, B.S. (electrical engineering),
1968; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1972. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972.
Law clerk to former Associate Judge Robert B. Mathias, Prince George's County Circuit Court.
Member, Maryland State and Prince George's County Bar Associations; Maryland Trial Law-
yers Association. Member, Advisory Board on Rape and Sexual Offenses, 1982-84; Child Support
Enforcement Advisory Council, 1983-86. Member, American Legion; B.P.O.E.; Irish-Ameri-
can Club. Married. District office: 7219 Hanover Pkwy., Suites C & D, Greenbelt 20770;
tel. (301) 345-6900. Annapolis office: Presidential Wing, James Senate Office Bldg.,
21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3155, (410) 841-3155.
JOHN A. PICA, JR., Democrat, District 43, Baltimore City. Member of House of
Delegates, 1979-82. Member of Senate since 1983. Deputy Majority Leader. Member,
Judicial Proceedings Committee. Rules Committee, Special Joint Committee on Economic
Development Strategy. Member, Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee,
1991-93. Chairman, Joint Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting, 1991—.
Chairman, Baltimore City Senate Delegation. Graduate of Mount St. Joseph High School;
Villanova University, B.A. (dean's list; varsity lacrosse); attended The Johns Hopkins University
and Loyola College, M.B.A.; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1975. Attorney.
Member, Maryland State Bar Association. Member, Community Services Advisory Commission,
1987—; Maryland 1992 Commission, 1989-92. Chosen "Outstanding Young Men of Amer-
ica" by National Jaycees, 1981. Two daughters. Annapolis office: 402A James Senate Office
Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3145.
JANICE PICCININI, Democrat, District 10, Baltimore County. Member, Senate since
1991; Budget and Taxation Committee (health, education & human resources sub-
comm.); Joint Committee on Federal Relations; Advisory Commission on Federal-State-
Local Relations. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1991-92. Born in Baltimore,
Maryland, December 16, 1945. Frostburg State College, B.S., 1967; The Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, M.L.A., 1974. Educator; realtor. Member, Maryland Stadium Authority, 1986-88;
Maryland State Interagency Coordinating Council for Infants and Toddlers Program, 1992~—.
Educator, Baltimore Co. Public Schools, 1967-79. Pres., chief exec. & admin. officer, Teachers
Assoc. of Baltimore Co., 1979-81; Md. State Teachers Assoc., 1981-85. Bd. of directors, Baltimore
Co. Chamber of Commerce, 1980-82; Public Sector Labor Relations Board of Md., 1983-85.
Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1984 (platform comm.). Member, Md.
Democratic Central Committee, 1987-90. Outstanding Young Woman of America, 1981;
Outstanding Leadership Award, University of Md. Chapter, Phi Delta Kappa, 1983; Ameritan
Award, Md. Order of Sons of Italy, 1983; Educator of the Year, Md. Assoc. of Elementary School
Principals, 1985; Outstanding Contributions to Minority Affairs, MSTA, 1985; Lillie Carroll
Jackson Award, 1985; American Committee on Italian Migration Award, 1986. District
office: 201 W. Padonia Rd., Suite 501, Timonium 21093; tel. (410) 666-2000. Annapolis
office: 308 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3606.