Maryland Manual 1994-1913 State Senate /63
FREDERICK C. MALKUS, JR., Democrat, District 37, Dorchester, Caroline, Talbot
& Wicomico Counties. Member of House of Delegates, 1947-51. Member of Senate since
1951. President Pro Tem since 1975. Chairman, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1955-
66. Member of Legislative Policy Committee (formerly Legislative Council) since 1955.
Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee; Executive Nominations Committee; Joint
Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas; Special Joint Committee on Economic
Development Strategy. Member, Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee,
1988-93. Senate Chairman, Joint Committee on Judges of the Orphans' Court, 1989.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 1, 1913. Attended Dorchester County public schools; Western
Maryland College, A.B., 1934; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1938. Served in
U.S. Army during World War II. Member, White Paper Committee on Striped Bass, 1987-90;
Governor's Task Force on Trees and Forests, 1990—. Trustee, Western Maryland College. Mar-
ried. District office: 500 Spring St., P.O. Box 316, Cambridge 21613; tel. (410) 228-1911.
Annapolis office: 121 Presidential Wing, James Senate Office Bldg.,21401-1991; tel. (410)
CHRISTOPHER J. McCABE, Republican, District 14, Howard & Montgomery
Counties. Member, Senate since 1991; Economic & Environmental Affairs Committee
(education subcomm.; health subcomm.); Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive
and Legislative Review. Born in Encino, California, January 19,1956. Univ. of Notre Dame,
B.B.A, 1978; Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., M.B.A., 1980. Development officer, Johns Hopkins
Hospital & School of Medicine. Task Force on Maryland Building Performance Standards,
1992—; Howard Co. Foster Care Review Bd., 1982—. Vice-Chair, Howard Countians far
Councilmanic Districts, 1983-84. President, Howard Co. Republican Club, 1983-85; treas;
member, Republican State Central Committee, Howard Co., 1984—. Finance chair, steering
comm., Howard Co. Chemical Free Graduation, 1985-86. Bd. of directors, Howard Co. Youth
Resource Center, 1986. Budget committee chair, Citizen Advisory Bd., Howard Co. Bd. of
Education, 1988-89. Vice-Chair, Hospital Division Campaign, United Way of Central Md.,
1988. Leadership Howard Co., Howard Co. Chamber of Commerce, 1988-89. Bd. member, Howard
Co. Churches Concerned for the Homeless. Finance chair, member. Mothers Against Drunk Driving,
Howard Co. Chapter, 1988—. Citizens Advisory Committee, Hands of Shared Time, 1988—.
National Society of Fund Raising Executives; Knights of Columbus. Merit badge counselor, Boy Scout
Troop 944. Honorary member, Metropolitan District, Boy Scouts of America. Outstanding Young
Man of America, 1985. Youth advisor, lector, St. Louis Parish. Married; one child. District office:
12400 Clarksvillc Pike, Clarksville 21029; tel. (410) 988-9818. Annapolis office: 404 James
Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3671.
AMERICAN JOE MIEDUSIEWSKI, Democrat, District 46, Baltimore City. Member
of House of Delegates, 1975-88. Member of Senate since 1988. Member, Economic and
Environmental Affairs Committee (chair, licensing & regulation subcommittee; co-chair,
joint subcommittee to review Article 2B (alcoholic beverages) of the Annotated Code of
Maryland; ethics & election laws subcommittee). Member, Joint Committee on Health
Care Delivery and Financing, 1993—; Joint Committee on Investigation. Born in Balti-
more, Maryland, October 17, 1949. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; Calvert Hall College
High School; University of Baltimore, B.A. Served in Maryland Air National Guard. Business
manager. Member, Advisory Council to Maryland Film Commission; State Advisory Council
on Physical Fitness; Manufacturing Advisory Committee. Married. District office: 421 S.
Highland Ave., Baltimore 21224; tel. (410) 276-8225. Annapolis office: 311 James Senate
Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3598.
DONALD F. MUNSON, Republican, District 2, Washington & Allegany Counties.
Member, House of Delegates, 1975-90; Economic Matters Committee (unemployment
insurance subcomm.); Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. Vice-Chair, Western Mary-
land Delegation, 1987-90. Member, Senate since 1991. Member, Budget and Taxation
Committee (public safety, transportation, economic development & natural resources
subcomm.; pensions subcomm.); Joint Budget and Audit Committee; Joint Committee
on Federal Relations; Joint Committee on Investigation. Born in Hagerstown, Maryland,
December 21, 1937, and lived his early years in Hagerstown and Williamsport. Attended Wash-
ington County public schools; Capitol Page School, Washington, DC (page in U.S. House of
Representatives under Rep. DeWitt S. Hyde, 1953-55); The Johns Hopkins University, B.S.,
1968. Served in U.S. Army Reserves. Member, Governor's Commission on Landlord-Tenant
Affairs; Tri-County Council for Western Maryland; Citizens Advisory Board for Western Mary-
land Center, 1978-90; Liability Insurance Task Force, 1985. Delegate, Republican Party Na-
tional Convention, 1976, 1988, 1992. Member, Washington County Republican Club;
Washington County Historical Society; Washington County Association for Retarded Citizens;
Antietam Exchange Club; North American Rod and Gun Club; Alsatia Club. Married; one
child. District office: 28 W. Church St., Hagerstown 21740; tel. (301) 791-4511. Annapo-
lis office: 405 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3609.