Maryland Manual 1994-1995
care programs; medical day care; and community
placements for the developmentally disabled.
Greta E. Rolland, Chief
(410) 225-1760
The Division of Medical Assistance Recoveries was
created in 1969. The Division operates third-party
liability programs. Through these, other responsible
parties are pursued for payment of health care received
under the Medical Assistance Program, and money
spent on behalf of recipients is recovered from sources
allowed by federal or State law.
Rosalie Koslof, Chief
(410) 225-1694
Formed in 1979, the Division of Utilization and
Eligibility Review is responsible for the use of and
review of eligibility for the Medical Assistance Pro-
gram. The Division oversees corrective managed
care, diabetes care, and hospice care; and quality
assurance for these programs, health maintenance
organizations (HMOs), and the Maryland Access
to Care (MAC) Program. The Division investigates
and refers for prosecution and money recoveries
fraud cases involving recipients of the Medical As-
sistance Program and the Pharmacy Assistance Pro-
gram; identifies and refers recipients who have
misused benefits; and oversees the recipient com-
ponent of the surveillance and utilization review
subsystem of Medicaid Management Information
System (MMIS). The Division also is responsible
for the child abuse pilot project, and special projects
relating to the use of Medicaid services.
Richard N. Seaborg, Chief
(410) 225-1743
The Division of Adjunct Services was organized
in 1976. The Division controls and monitors serv-
ices provided to recipients of the Medical Assistance
Program and the Pharmacy Assistance Program.
These services cover ambulance and wheelchair
vans; dental care; durable medical equipment and
disposable supplies; hearing aids; laboratory; oxy-
gen; pharmacy; physical therapy; podiatry; and
vision care. The Division also contracts with the
Maryland Pharmacists Association and the Center
on Drugs and Public Policy of the University of
Maryland System to review drug use.
The Division develops and implements policies,
guidelines, standards, and procedures to assure that
providers of health care services comply with federal
and State laws, regulations, plans, and policies. For
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene /311
the Medical Assistance Program, the Division moni-
tors and evaluates services and the degree to which
they are used; and designs, develops, and imple-
ments standards and mechanisms for detecting
fraud or misuse of the Program. Generally, provid-
ers who misuse the Program are required to reim-
burse funds. Cases of suspected fraud are referred
to the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit of the Office
of the Attorney General.
Joseph E. Davis, Director
201 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-5400
The Program Systems and Operations Admin-
stration began in 1975 as the Medical Care Opera-
tions Administration. In November 1993, the
Administration was reorganized under its present
name. The Administration develops and maintains
systems for prompt and accurate payment to
providers of health care services. It maintains files
of approved providers of services and of Maryland
residents certified as eligible to receive services
through the Medical Assistance Program (Medi-
caid). The Administration also manages the Phar-
macy Assistance Program. For low-income families
and individuals who are not eligible for Medicaid,
this State-funded program helps pay for certain
kinds of maintenance prescription drugs for chronic
conditions; anti-infective drugs, including AZT;
and insulin syringes and needles.
The Administration consists of Information Serv-
ices; Technical Operations; and Program Operations.
Hugh Carrington, Deputy Director
201 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-6830
Information Services originated by 1967 as the
Division of Data Processing under the Bureau of
Analysis and Records. By 1973, the Division was
placed under the Office of General Administration.
As Data Systems, the unit was reorganized by 1977
as part of the Office of Service Operations. As the
Division of Data Processing in 1981, it came under
the Fiscal and Support Operations Administration.
By 1983, the Division became part of the Informa-
tion Systems Administration, renamed the Infor-
mation Services Administration in 1985. The
Administration, as Information Services, was made
part of the Program Systems and Operations Ad-
ministration in November 1993.
The Administration devises information-proc-
essing strategies and implements the policy, proce-