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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 800   View pdf image (33K)
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800/Maryland Manual

Dacck, Nancy 681
DachiUe, MarkS. 179
Dacko, Horace 294
D'Adamo, Dennis 714
D'Adamo, Nicholas C., Jr. 652
Dadd, Robert 162,164
Dadds.RonaS. 178
Daffin,DianeM. 167
Daffin, James 167
Daffin, James L. 690
Dagold, Reubcn G. 260
Daily, SanfordW 528
Dale, Laura H. 496
D'Alesandro, Thomas J., Ill 504
D'Alessio, Donna 712
DaleyThelmaT. 563
Dalgleish, Hope 355
DalyJohnJ. 486
Daly;Owen,II 516
Damewood, Karon 355
Damico, Carl A. 263, 268, 269
Danaher, J. Richard 375
Danekcr, David C. 198
Daniel, Laramie 248
Daniels, Henry C. 390
Daniels, Lawrence R. 601, 633
Daniels, Moses 545
Daniels, Samuel T. 437
Daniels, Scott 399
Danielus, Frederieka 360
Danneckcr, Robert B. 399,407
Dans, Peter E. 284, 323, 324
Dante, Martha T. 692
Darby Albert D., Jr. 649
Darcy, Cornelius P. 481
Darling, Sharon B. 698
Darmody, Brian 490
Darnall, Donald J. 513
Darnall, V Mechelle 223
Darr, Barbara 481
Darwin, Edwin M. 410
Dashiell, J. Roland 476
Dauenhaucr, Patricia 681
Daughcrty, John T. 345
Daugherty, M. Kirk 731,741
Daughcrty, Rodger C. 688
Daugherty Timmcrman T. 247,523
Daughhetee, Scott 305
Davagc, Lclia F. 296
Davall, Bernard (Mike) 716
Davey, Hampton 518,538
Davey, John P. 573,582
David, Bctte Stein 655
Davidson, Brad 506
Davidson, James P. 189
Davidson, Robert 483
Davics, Leslie 714
Davies, Robert W 377,390
Davis, Albert 715
Davis, Andrc M. 596,618,631,642
Davis, AnncS. 145,482
Davis, ArricW 591,614,631
Davis, Barbara 715
Davis, Carol D. 656
Davis, Carolyn D. 327
Davis, Charles 0., Jr. 660
Davis, Clarence 31,35,47,59,67,
Davis, Dennis 250
Davis, Edna 431

Davis, Evelyn 655
Davis, George W 483
Davis, Gregory A. 552
Davis, Harold M. 534
Davis, Harvey 231
Davis, Henry A. 683
Davis, James G. 179
Davis, Janet L. 459,473
Davis. Joel 147
Davis, John J. 513
Davis, John M. 175
Davis. Joseph E. 282,309
Davis, Juh'a 177
Davis, Karen 480
Davis, LannyJ. 713
Davis, Linda 397,406
Davis, Louis E., Jr. 702
Davis, Lynda C. 36, 56
Davis, Mark J. 179
Davis, Mary 714
Davis, Michael J. 716, 727, 738
Davis, Olivia 432
Davis, Ovetta 265
Davis, Paigc T. 516
Davis, Paul J. 160, 433, 435, 451
Davis, Penny S. 328,338
Davis, R. Scott 600
Davis, Richard 728
Davis, Richard W 571
Davis, Richmond T. P. 717
Davis, Robert J. 519
Davis, Robert M. 201
Davis, Robert Scott 633
Davis, Rosemary A. 533
Davis, Susan E 716
Dawkins, Bradford, Jr. 725
Dawson, Jack H. 320
Dawson, Larry 235
Dawson, Norma I. 686
Day, Barbara P. 533
Day, Basil B. 429
Day, Gloria 652
Day, Norma Cornell 245
Day,SallieJo 430
Deal, Paul E 196
DealyJohnF. 210,215
Dean, John W, Jr. 699
Dean, Roy T, Jr. 36,57
Dean, Walter R., Jr. 731
Deanehan, Alan E 52,585
DcAngclis, David L. 730
Dearborn, Philip M. 492
Dearing, Ann J. P. 343
Dearing, Marie B. 296
Deas, Gloria M. 675
DeBiase, Ann Maric 179
DcBoyJack 280
DcCarlo, Diane 713,714,727
DeCesare, Daryl 397
Decker, Alonzo G., Jr. 408, 564
Decker, Curtis L. 475
Decker, Marion 655
Decker, Peter 431
Decrisci,Gene 488
Deegan, Charles C. 683
Dcegan, Joseph G. 147
Deegan, Roberta Buell 717
Dceney; Susan M. 362
DeFclicc, Nicholas A. 450
Dcfoid, Robert B., Ill 199

Degan. LeRoy G. 533
DeGrange, Lacy H. 191,195
DeGuilmi, Barbara Jean 567
Dehart, H. Grant 399
Deise, Jerome E., Jr. 535
Deitchman, Harry 381
Deitmeycr. Dale H. 681
DeJong, Frederick W 265, 272
DeJuliis, James R. 606
deKowzan, John E. (Jack) 147
DeKroney, William 327
Delaney, Harold 547,551,570
Delaplaine, Elizabeth B. 509
DeLashmet, G. B. 257
DeLawter, DeWitt E. 470
DeLeaver-Coates, Cynthia 283,316
D'Elia, Christopher 547, 558
DeLisle, Jeffrey A. 475
Dell, Donald I. 662
Delia, George W, Jr. 31, 44, 45,
Dellaposta, Vincent 717
DcllTsola, Anthony 483
DcLoatch, Eugene M. 215,529
DeMarco, Robert A. 249, 258
DeMarco, Vincent 178
DeMarino, Robert 483
Dembrow, Dana Lee 31, 46, 60,
Dement, Keren Davison 211, 221
Doming, Thomas A. 179,395
De Mino, Leonard J. 320
Demissey, Rudiene 431
Demjen, Samuel J. 515
Demmc, James R. 604
deMoll, Harry T. 671
Dempscy, Robert N. 435,519
Dcniski, Fred V 606
DcMunccas, Anthony 470
Denham-Parks, Dianna 713
Denis, Howard A. 31, 45, 50, 52,
53,60,64,97, 725, 736
Denman-West, Margaret 237
Denney, Clifford A. 398
Denning, John 399
Dennis, Cecelia Griffith 694
Dennis, Nancy M. 433,451
Dennis, Patricia 717
Dent, John K., Jr. 345
Dent, Richard J. 341
Dcnton, David M. 509
Denton, Joseph L. 660
Denton, Pauline 714
DcPaola, Rudolph V 147, 236, 464
DcPazzo, Louis L. 31, 47. 59,63,
dc Pcna, Rosa G. 411
DepuyWarnerM. 582
Den, John W 31,35,44,45,47.49,
Derr,Mark 505
Desai,Harsha 159
DeSanris,M.Janc 539
DeSantis, Patrick J. 370
Deschenaux, Warren 52
Desenberg, Kathryn D. 692
DcShiclds,TanyaM. 655
DeShields.TarraR. 178
DeSimonc, Betty 505
D'Esposito, Robert 397


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 800   View pdf image (33K)
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