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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 801   View pdf image (33K)
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DeStefanis, Margaret M. 283, 318,
DeStefano, Robert P. 651
Deters, Philip J. 179
Dettor, Ralph C., Jr. 476
Devadason, Chinnadurai 280, 300,
304, 370
Devaney Mary E. 683
DeVillars, Donald 226
Devine,EvaM. 194
Devine, Nancy 197
Devito, Mathias J. 158
Devlin, Gerard E 601,634
DevlinJohn 714
DeVries, Donald L., Jr. 481
Dew, James H. 261
DeWaters. Edward A., Jr. 593,
Dewberry, Thomas E. 31, 35,45,
DeWitt, Clifford C. 673
DeWitt, Harlan D. 533
Dexter, Edward 249
Dhillon, Randjit S. 306
DiAiso, Robert J. 651
Diamond, Morton 320
Diaz, Augustine A. 532
DiBiagio, Raymond E., Jr. 651
DiBlasi, Joseph J. 654
DiCamillo, Debra 739
DiCamillo,GaryT. 534
DiChicra, Glenn 505
Dick, Joe 235
Dick,Shirley 667
Dickerson, Bernice H. 681
Dickerson, Douglas H. 457
Dickerson-Batchelor, M. Teresa
Dicker Leslie E. 683
Dickey; Martha D. 683
Dickinson, Bcuiah 669
Diegel, William 483
Diehl. Bruce E. 458,471
Diehl.M.Suc 293
DichI, Shamn R. 556
Dieter, George E., Jr. 549
Dieter, Nancy 282,309
Dietrich, Margaret A. 178
Diez.Juan 363
DiFonzo, Sharon 681
Diggs, Charles C., Jr. 729
DiggsJohnW 681
DiGiacomo, Sandra E. 157
DiGiancinto, Joseph V 158
Dilla, Charles M. 283,321
Dillon, Susan C. 690
DillowLinda J. 375
DiMaggio, Michael E 147
DiNunno, Joseph J. 100,411
DiPaolo, Anthony 400
DiPietro, Anthony M., Jr. 31, 46,
DiPietro, Dominic M. 652
DiPietro, Robert J. 142, 444, 490,
DiRcnzo, Joseph 652
DiSimone, Joseph E 673
Disney Calvin D. 658
DisncvJohn 714
Distad, Bonita 297

Distance, Cynthia 430
diStefano, Teresa A. 715,717
DiTosto, Evelyn 230,240
Dixon, Ann 278
Dixon, Ardena S. 655
Dixon, Dolores L. 556
Dixon, John M. 534
Dixon, R. Johns 199
Dixon, Richard N. 31,35,45,47,
Dixon, Sharon Pratt 577
Dixon, Sheila 652
Dixon, Thomas A. 532
Dixon, Thomas H., Ill 730
Dixon, William E 198
Dize, Carlton E. 404
Dizc, H. Russell 400,410,489
Djoak, Elizabeth Swarm 716
D'Loughy; Kenneth 399
Doan, Elmer 392
Dobbyn, Dorothy A. 479
Dobson, Camile Infussi 52
Dobson, Michael V. 722
Dobson, Nina L. 530
Dodd, Edgar 545
Dodds, Richard J. S. 484
Dodge, Norton 580
Dodson, Vivian M. 698
Doggette, Herbert R., Jr. 485
Dolan,Mary 517
Dolbeare-Mathews, Marilyn L. 236
Dolbey,N.Lee 534
Doleman, Marguerite E. 301
Dollar, Barbara 157
Dolly James Hugh 320
Donadoni, George W 437
Donaho, John A. 308,375,379,
482,485, 566
Donaldson, John S. 51, 58
Donaldson, Judith B. 392
Donaldson, Randall P. 518
Donithan, Kenneth 386
Donnelly Paul D. 367,371
Donnclly, Ralph H. 391
Donner, Lawrence 322
Donny George D., Jr. 698
Donofrio.Hal 156,487
Donoghuc, John P. 31, 46, 61,
Donohue, Daniel 714
Donohue, Warren 603
Donovan, Gerald W. 699,714
Doolan, Devin John 606
Doolan, James L. 147
Dooley; Joyce 293
Dooley; Susan 429
Doolitdc, Barbara 30
Doory, Ann Maric 31,46,47,59,
Doory; Timothy J. 147
Doran, Jean L. 296
Dorezas, Steve 225
Dorfman, J. Robert 549
Doring, Tambra R. 315
Dorman, Arthur 31,34,44,45,
50,60,65,98,507, 566,581,
Dorman, Matthew 714
Dorothy Jeanninc 191
Dorrill, William H. 282,312

Name Index/801

Dorsett, Thomas S. 560
Dorscy, Charles H., Jr. 535, 607
Dorscy, Donna M. 283, 318, 566
Dorset Elias 291,303
Dorscy, Jack T. 444
Dorsey, Lawrence A., Jr. 544,671
Dorset Michael 222
Dorsey; Ronald 429
Dorscy Walter B. 686
Dotson, Carlton H. 525
Dottcrwcich, Edmund C., Jr. 714
Dotterweich, Jerry 504
Dotterweich, John W. 721
Doubroff, Jerome S. 211, 214,
Doudoumopoulos, Alexander N.
458, 470
Dougherty, Alan A. 599
Dougherty, Mary 714
Douglas, Alan 724
Douglas, Kandyce M. 362
Douglas, Lee, Jr. 446
Douglas, Robert D. 456
Douglass. Donna T. 145,482
Douglass, Frederick I. 530
Douglass, John W 31, 45, 47, 59,
67,117,732, 741
Douglass, Robert 714
Dove, Maurecn M. 177
Dovcl, Olin A, Jr. 356
Dow, Sharon 280
Dowling, Nancy K. 177
Dowling, Robert L. 502
Down, Dorita deLemos 715
Downey; Frank C. 198
Downing, Carole S. 158
Downs, Frederick 692
Downs, Irma 655
Downs, John E, Jr. 569
Downs, Raymond A. 530
Downs, Wilton D., Jr. 274
Doxzon,E.M. 230
Doyle Anthony E., Jr. 316
Doyle J. Alexander 223
Doyle JaniceBroslin 519
Doyle Patricia 714
Doyle Terrence G. 178
Drachman, Robert 152,155
Drake, TracyV 457,467
Draper, Sheila 231,243
Draper-Brice, Elizabeth 237
Drea, Arthur S., Jr. 209,210, 217
Dredden, George E. 606
Dredden, George E., Jr. 520
Drewer, Donnic Lee 456
DriggsJohn 476,515
Driscoll, Thomas 713,714
Driver, KarenY. 655

Driver, Nnrman C. 565
Droneburg, John 671
Drown, Darrel 677
Drum, Patrick V 492
Drummond, Mitzi 244
Dryden, George H. 696
Dryden, James B. 675
Dryden, James H. 696
Dryden, Lon-ainc 568
Dryden, William E. 688
Dubcl, Robert Y. 160,237
Du Brouil, Jorge 363


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
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