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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 799   View pdf image (33K)
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Cooper, Russell Carrol 534
Cooper, Severn H. 694
Cooper, Wcndy 514
Cooper-Morgan, Nancy 354, 655
Coopcrsmith, Esther 216
Cooperstein, Bert 224,488
Copcland, Bonnic S. 227,229,524
Copcland, Charles E., Sr. 675
Copcland, Lcon 518
Copcnhaver, Earl 397
Copinger, Roger B. 147
Coplin.MarkD. 184
Coplin, Merry L. 429,475
Copp, Albert M. 199
Corbin, A. E. Pete 690
Corbin, Kathryn 715
Corckran, Pamela E 152,155
Corcoran, Thomas R. 432,448
CorddraMaryC. 282,311
Corderman, John P. 595, 603, 618
Corderman, Roscoc D. 534
Cordi, Stephen M. 168,170
Cordial, Bernard D. 649
Cordts, Harold J. 320,649
Corkran, Gwen 716
Corkran, William H.,Jr. 412
Corless, John P. 261
Coriess, Joseph V 443
Gorier Mary A. 230,240
Corn, Morton 260
Corninc, Lance 490
Cornish, Lorraine 237
Comwcll, Richard M. 724,736
Corrcri, John E, Jr. 730
Corrinc, Lance R. 422
Corun, William M. 455,464
Cosimano-Bailey; Louannc A. 340
Coss, Herbert D., Jr. 174
Coss, Richard L. 692
Cosscntino, Frank E 384
CostcUo, Christopher B. 53
Costcllo, Daniel E. 553
Costcllo, Kathryn 549
Coster, Bryan S. 386
Cottman, Harland 605
Cottman, William 688
Cotton, Raymond D. 428
Cotton, William L, III 147
Coudon, Thomas W 406
Coughlan, Richard J. 282
Coughlin, David 244
Coughlin, Rose Maric 214
Coulbournc, Thomas W 688
Coulter, James B. 404
Coulter, Sharon 430
Council, Dorothy 307
Counihan, Gene W 31, 35, 47, 49,
Course); James R. 699
Course); Lcon N. 320
Courtless, Thomas E 432, 451
Courtright, Frank 248
Cousar,Ron 487
Cousino, Jancllc A. 482
Covcll, Edward H. 579
Cover, Charles K. 401,414
Cover, Michael D. 525
Covert, JohnB. 161
Covicllo, Albert A. 281,306
Covington, Brucc 168

Covington, Charles S. 564
Covington, Mary 715
Covino, Pauline R. 159
Cowie, William H., Jr. 216
Cowie, William W, Jr. 381
Cowley; Thomas 713
Cox,Alcx 249
Cox, Bienda J. 667
Cox,MarvaJ. 261
Cox, Mildred M. 660
Cox, Stephen D. 490
Cox, William H., Jr. 730,740
Coy Jeffrey W 576
Coyle, Christine 655
Coyle, James P. 455,464
Coylc, Sharon H. 700
Cozzins, Mary Frances 696
Crabaec, Glenn B., Jr. 716
Craemer, Albert J. 738
Craig, David R. 31, 46,60, 66,
Craig, Frank 579
Craighcad, J. Thomas 690,717
Grain, Eloisc 714
Cramcr, M. Michael 582
Crampton, Margarcta A. 544
Crandall, Bess 401,412
Crankfield, Willic 560
Cravcr, Brian W 179
Crawford, Edwin S. 545
Crawford, Joseph T. 729,740
Crawford, Linda Hay 298
Crawford, Robert A. 168
Crawford, Robert W 231,244
Crawford, William E., Jr. 716
Crawley; George A., Jr. 716
Crawmer, Arthur 429
Craycraft, Dianc 458,470
Creager, Mary Lee 155
Creamer, Francis E. 652
Credle, Frenzela R. 221
Croegan, Barbara A. 533
Creighton, Jon Marc 716
Crcighton, Phillip 553
Creigler, Eva L. 655
Cretcr, Robert 415
Crow, Spencer R. 343
Cribari, Stephen J. 712
Crist, Donald R., Sr. 609
Crockett, John J., Sr. 665
Crofton 721
Cromwell, Charlenc M. 180
Cromwell, Christopher G. 386
Cromwell, James J. 605
Cromwell, Sarah 654
Cronauer, Charles M. 428
Cronin, William B. 491
Crook, James R. 147
Crook, JesseJ. 192,201
Cropp, Linda 582
Cropper, Edward S. 696
CrosbyPat 456
Cross, Eleanor Holliday 716
Cross, VelmaD. 694
Crossley; Charles 684
Crossley; Harold L 485
Crosslin, Robert L 222
Crouch, Edward P. 496
Crouch, Michael Edward 470
Crouse, James G. 699

Name Index/799

Crowder, Margarette E. 511
Crowl.PaulA. 193
Crowley; Catherine 566
Crum, Charles H. 702
Cram, John M. 671
Crutc, Vanctta 487
Cruttcnden, Timothy 278
Cucina, Dick 513
Cueman, Edmund 567
Cuffic, Christopher 732
Culbertson, Charles 727,738
Culbrcath, James T. 607
Culen, William E. 273
Culley; E. Rosemary 665
Cullins. William Russell 686
Cullison, Robert 515
Cullison, Ruth 658
Culotta, Salvatore J., Jr. 387
Cumberland, Laurence W. B. 536
Cummings, Alexander L. 505,
Cummings, Cynthia 714
Cummings, Elijah E. 31, 35, 36,
46,50,53,59,67,115, 476,
Cummings, Susan R. 499
Cummins, Donald W 542
Cummins, Paul C., II 488
Cummons, Joe D. 432
Cunningham, Charles J. 488
Cunningham, Gregory J. 401, 412
Cunningham, Lynda S. 542
Cunningham, Paul S. 658
Cunningham, Wilbur E. (BiU) 652
Cuomo, Mario 582
Cureton, Reginald 518,530
Curlett William, II 730
Curley; E. Rcid 655
Curler Thomas J., Jr. 642
Curran, Alice 29
Curran, Catherine 29
Curran, Gerald J. 31, 46,50,59,
Curran, J. Joseph III (Max) 29
Curran, J. Joseph, Jr. 28,160,176,
178,182,437, 443, 478,505,
Curran, Martin E. (Mike) 652
Curran, Mary Carole 29
Curran, Richard 556
Curran, Robert W 714
Curran, William 29
Curric, Ulysses 31, 34,45,48,50,
Curry, Anna 230,239
Curry; Anna A. 520
Curry; Lou 350,363
Curtis, Robert L, Jr. 727,738
Curtis, William E. 571
Cushing, T.Scott 473,606
Cushwa, Patricia K. 142,724,736
Cushwa, 'Victor 142,537
Cuzmancs, Paul T. 147
Cwcibcr, Elaine Harris 158


Dabkowsld, Frank J. 386
DabneyRoyI. 569
Dabney; Thomas B., Jr. 536
Dabrowski, Bernard A., Jr. 317


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 799   View pdf image (33K)
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