580/Maryland Manual
The total budget of the Compact is $135,686. The
first half of the budget is assessed to each state on an
equal basis. The other half is pro-rated on the basis of
the value of mineral production in the party states.
The Compact establishes a Commission with one
representative and one alternate from each state.
Under the Compact, the Commission recommends
techniques to improve, restore, or protect land and
other resources affected by mining; and helps support
and maintain an efficient, productive mining industry
The Commission is composed of the seventeen
governors of the states that have ratified the Inter-
state Mining Compact. Each governor may desig-
nate an alternate (Code Natural Resources Article,
sees. 7-701 through 7-703).
Chairperson: Norman Bangcrcer, Governor of Utah
Maryland representative: William Donald Schaefer,
Assistant representative: Dr. Kenneth N. Weaver,
Director, Maryland Geological Survey
PO. Box 53127
900 Northeast 23 St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73152 (405) 525-3556
In 1935, the Interstate Oil Compact was ex-
ecuted in Dallas, Texas. Maryland ratified the Com-
pact in 1959 (Chapter 390, Acts of 1959). The
Compact established the Interstate Oil Compact
Commission, which is based in Oklahoma. Through
the Commission, thirty-five member states work to
conserve oil and gas resources.
Membership on the Commission consists of the
Governor of each signatory state together with an
assistant representative who may act in the
Governor's stead (Code Natural Resources Article,
sees. 6-401 through 6-404).
Vacancy, Chairperson
Ex officio: William Donald Schaefer, Governor
Maryland members appointed by Governor: Robert Y.
Clagett, 1989; George H. Shoemaker, 1991.
Alternates appointed by Governor: Norton Dodge,
Ph.D., 1989;MinnyPohlmann, 1991; Herbert M.
Sachs, 1991.
Lee E. Zeni, Executive Director
6110 Executive Blvd., Suite 300
Rockville, MD 20852-3903 984-1908
The Interstate Commission on the Potomac
River Basin is an agency of those states comprising
the Potomac River drainage basin. Established by
an Act of Congress in 1940 and amended in 1970
(EL. 91-407), the Commission operates under the
Potomac River Sanitation Compact. Maryland
ratified the Compact in 1939 (Chapter 320, Acts of
1939; Chapter 29, Acts of 1960).
The Commission has jurisdiction over the
Potomac Valley Conservancy District, created by
the enabling act. The Commission analyzes and
interprets data; conducts studies; coordinates plan-
ning and programs; disseminates information and
educational material to the public; and promotes
uniform laws and regulations. It recommends solu-
tions to problems relating to stream pollution and
the use and conservation of water and associated
land resources in the District. The Commission's
Cooperative Water Supply Operations (CO-OP)
Section provides technical and managerial services
for coordinated drought-related operations of the
major Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia
public water supply utilities in the Washington
Metropolitan Area (Water Supply Coordination
Agreement of July 22,1982).
The Commission is composed of representatives
of the five signatory members: Maryland, Pennsyl-
vania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of
Columbia. While the United States government is
a member of the Commission, it is not a signatory
member. The representatives from Maryland in-
clude the Governor and two residents of the
Pocomac Villey Conservancy District, who are ap-
pointed by the Governor for two-year terms.
The Commission is financed by appropriations
from each of the participating bodies (Code Natural
Resources Article, sees. 8-303, 8-304).
Monthly the Commission issues a newsletter, The
Potanac Basin Reporter. Other technical and general
information reports are also available to the public.
Maryland members appointed by Governor: John T.
Parran, 1993; Francis J. Russell, 1993.
Ex officio: James W. Peck, 1992, designee of
Secretary of Natural Resources
Kirby A. Carpenter, Executive Secretary
PO. Box 9
222 Taylor St.
Colonial Beach, VA 22443 (804) 224-7148
The Potomac River Fisheries Commission
operates under the Maryland-Virginia Compact of
1958, authorized by act of Congress. Maryland
ratified the Compact in 1959 (Chapter 269, Acts of