1959). The Commission is a semi-autonomous
agency but its work and policies are closely coor-
dinated with the Tidewater Administration of the
Maryland Department of Natural Resources and
the Marine Resources Commission of Virginia.
Fishery agencies of both states provide law enforce-
ment on the Potomac River for the Commission.
The Potomac River Fisheries Commission ad-
ministers a program to conserve and improve
seafood resources of the Potomac River. The Com-
mission regulates and licenses fisheries and the
dredging of soft-shell clams in the Potomac River.
The Commission receives proceeds from the sale of
commercial crab, oyster, fish and clam licenses, and
an oyster inspection tax. Annually, each state ap-
propriates $150,000 to Commission work.
The Commission's six members include three
from each state. Maryland members are the
Secretary of Natural Resources or designce and two
persons appointed to four-year terms by the Gover-
nor. For chairperson, the Commission elects a
Maryland representative in odd-numbered years
and a Virginia representative in even-numbered
years (Code Natural Resources Article, sec. 4-306).
Ex officio: William Donald Schaefer, Governor
Maryland members appointed by Governor: Nancy K.
Kopp, 1991; Donald N. Langenberg, 1992; Shaila
R. Aery, 1993; Arthur Dorman, 1994.
Mark D. Musick, President
592 Tenth St., N.W
Atlanta, GA 30318-5790 (404) 875-9211
c/o Maryland Higher Education Commission
16 Francis St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-2971
The Southern Regional Education Board is the
nation's oldest interstate compact for higher educa-
tion. It is a pioneer in regional planning action for
the effective multi-stare use of educational
programs and facilities. The Board operates under
the Southern Regional Education Compact of
1949, which Maryland ratified in 1949 (Chapter
282, Acts of 1949). Fourteen other states have
ratified the Compact: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida,
Georgia, Kentucky Louisiana, Mississippi, North
Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Created at the request of southern governors,
the Board brings together educators, government
officials, and other regional leaders to advance
education and thereby improve the social and
economic life of the South. Working directly with
stare governments, academic institutions, and other
Interstate Agendes/SSI
agencies, the Board conducts research and reports
on needs, problems, and developments in educa-
tion; coordinates cooperative programs to upgrade
training in undergraduate, graduate, professional,
and technical education; and serves as fiscal agent
and administrator in interstate arrangements for
regional educational services and institutions. These
reciprocal agreements provide quality educational
opportunities while lessening the need to develop
expensive specialized programs in each state.
Board publications, including a wide variety of
research reports, are available to the public.
The Board's governing body consists of the
governor of each member state and four other
individuals from the state, one of whom must be a
state legislator and one an educator. All are ap-
pointed by the governor for four-year terms (Code
Education Article, sees. 25-201 through 25-205).
Chairperson: Can-oil A. Campbcll, Jr., Governor
of South Carolina
Maryland members: William Donald Schaefer,
Governor (James M. Teitt, alternate); vacancy, State
Senate; Thomas H. Hattery, House of Delegates.
3091 Governor's Lakes Dr., Suite 400
Norcross, GA 30071 (404) 242-7712
Washington Office:
444 N. Capitol St., Suite 240
Washington, DC 20001 (202) 624-5391
The Southern States Energy Board originated as
the Southern Interstate Nuclear Board, created in
1962 by the Southern Interstate Nuclear Compact.
The Compact has been approved by sixteen
southern states, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, and Congress (PL. 87-563). Maryland ratified
the Compact in 1963 (Chapter 680, Acts of 1963).
The Board adopted its present name in 1977.
The Southern States Energy Board seeks to
improve the economy of the South and the well-
being of its people through cooperative efforts to
ensure proper use and conservation of energy and
energy-related facilities, materials, and products
with due regard for the environment.
Each member state is represented on the Board
by three members. For Maryland, the Director of
the Maryland Energy Administration appoints one
member with the Governor's approval; the Senate
President appoints a senator as a member; and the
House Speaker chooses a delegate as a member.
Member jurisdictions include Alabama, Arkansas,
Florida, Georgia, Kentucky Louisiana, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma,
Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vir-