The airports are operated under a 50-year lease
between the U.S. Department of Transportation
and the Metropolitan Washington Airports
Authority. A board of review representing the
airport's users has the power of veto over annual
budgets, authorizations for the issuance of bonds,
regulatory changes, adoption or revision of a master
plan, and appointment of a chief executive officer.
The Authority's Board of Directors consists of
eleven members who serve six-year terms. Rve are
appointed by the Governor of Virginia, three by the
Mayor of the District of Columbia, two by the
Governor of Maryland, and one by the President of
the United States. Appointed by the Board uf
Directors, the Board of Review consists of nine
members of Congress who do not represent
Maryland, Virginia, or the District of Columbia.
Chairperson: Axel B. Carlson, Jr., New Jersey
Maryland members appointed by U.S. Secretary of
Commerce upon nomination by Governor: Albert
Goetzc; W. Peter Jensen; Harry Keene.
John C. Bryson, VS., Executive Director
Federal Building, Room 2115
300 S. New St.
Dover, DE 19901-6790 (302) 674-2331/2
974-3558 (Annapolis)
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
was established in 1976 in accordance with the
Federal Fishery Conservation and Management Act
of 1976, as amended. The act gives the United
States exclusive management authority over
fisheries (except for highly migratory species of
tuna) within a fishery conservation zone of 3 to 200
miles offshore. For both domestic and foreign
fisheries, the law was enacted to ensure sound
fishery conservation and management measures.
Based in Delaware, the Mid-Atlantic Council is
one of eight regional fishery management councils
established as planning units to carry out provisions
of the federal act. Each council prepares fishery
management plans for implementation by the U.S.
Secretary of Commerce.
With a total of twenty-three members, the Mid-
Atlantic Council is made up of representatives from
Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey New York, Pen-
nsylvania, and Virginia. Nineteen voting members
indudc the Regional Director, National Marine
Fisheries Service; a state fisheries official from each
state; and twelve public members selected by the
U.S. Secretary of Commerce upon nomination by
the state governors. Public members serve three-
year terms. Pour nonvoting members represent the
Interstate Agencies/579
U.S. Rsh and Wildlife Service; U.S. Coast Guard;
U.S. Department of State; and Atlantic States
Marine Rsheries Commission.
Chairperson: Boyd E. Wolff, Pennsylvania
Maryland members appointed by Governor: Wayne A.
Cawley, Jr.; Edward H. Co veil; Dr. Frank Craig;
Raymond J. Miller, Ph.D.; Archibald B. Park,
Office of the Secretary
Dcpt. of Agriculture
50 Harry S Truman Pkwy.
Annapolis, MD 21401 841-5880
The Mid-Atlantic Poultry Health Council was
established in 1987 in accordance with a July 22,
1987, memorandum of understanding, signed by
the governors of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsyl-
vania, and Virginia. The Council coordinates policy
issues among the member states on poultry disease
management strategies.
Appointed by the Governor in 1987, the
Maryland Poultry Health Advisory Committee ad-
vises the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture on
poultry health management. In the event of an
outbreak of poultry disease in Maryland, the Com-
mittee advises and assists the Secretary of Agricul-
ture on implementing control measures.
The Committee also represents Maryland on the
Mid-Atlantic Poultry Health Council.
Maryland member: William Donald Schaefer,
Governor (Dr. Kenneth N. Weaver, alternate)
Gregory E. Conrad, Executive Director
459-B Carlisle Dr.
Herndon, VA 22070 (703) 709-8654
The Interstate Mining Commission was created
by the Interstate Mining Compact initiated by the
Council of State Governments. To date, seventeen
states have ratified the Compact; Maryland ratified
in 1973 (Chapter 297, Acts of 1973).
The purpose of the Compact is to protect and
restore land, water, and other resources affected by
mining; assist in reducing the deterioration of land,
water, and air attributable to mining; and en-
courage programs to protect, conserve, and im-
prove the usefulness of natural resources.