The Committee consists of nine members. The
Somerset County and Worcester County Boards of
County Commissioners and the Wicomico County
Council each appoint three members from their
respective counties. Members serve five-year terms
(Code 1957, Art. 83A, sec. 4-201).
Gus Bauman, Chairperson
Montgomery County Planning Board: Carol G.
Henry, 1991; John P. Hewitt, 1991; RichmondM.
Keeney, 1992; Gus Bauman, 1993; Nancy M.
Floreen, 1994.
Prince George's County Planning Board: Samuel Y.
Botts, 1990; Roy I. Dabney, 1991; Margaret S.
Yewell, 1991; Morgan Wootten, 1992; John W.
Rhoads, 1993.
Fern V. Piret, Prime George's County Planning
Director; Robert W. Man-ion:, Montgomery County
Planning Director; vacancy, Prince George's County
Parks & Recreation Director; Donald K. Cochran,
Montgomery County Parks Director
John F. Downs, Jr., Executive Director
6609 Riggs Rd.
Hyattsville, MD 20782 853-4802
Montgomery Regional Office
8787 Georgia Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910 495-4605
County Administration Building
Prince George's County
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Dr.
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 952-3560
Certified Annual Financial Report to be made
available for distribution to public.
Created in 1927, the Maryland-National Capital
Park and Planning Commission has jurisdiction
over parks and planning in Montgomery and Prince
George's counties (Chapter 448, Acts of 1927).
This authority covers all of the two counties except
for certain incorporated municipalities.
The Commission is composed of ten members.
Five are residents of Montgomery County and five
are from Prince George's. The five members from
each county make up the county's planning board.
Within the Maryland-W»shington Metropolitan
District, the Commission is empowered to acquire,
develop, maintain, and operate parks systems, the
expense of which, including debt service, is paid
from a separate park tax levied within the District.
In Prince George's County only, the Commission
Intercounty Agencies/569
operates the public recreation program, funded by
a separate county-wide recreation tax.
Taking into account all factors of urban, subur-
ban, rural, and regional planning, the Commission
is empowered to make, adopt, and amend a General
Plan for the physical development of the Maryland-
Washington Regional District. The Planning
Boards make zoning recommendations to their
respective County Councils, sirring as District
Councils, for the portion of the District within their
county to enact die zoning ordinances and change
the zoning map. The Planning Boards have ex-
clusive responsibility for subdivision approval, loca-
tion and grades of streets, location of public
buildings and utilities, and street naming and house
numbering. Administration and planning expenses
of the Commission are paid from an administrative
tax levied within the District.
Commission members serve four-year terms. In
Montgomery County three members are appointed
by the County Council and confirmed by the Coun-
ty Executive, and two members are appointed by
the County Executive and confirmed by the County
Council. In Prince George's County the County
Executive appoints all five members subject to
County Council confirmation. No more than three
members from each county's planning board may
be members of the same political party The ap-
pointing authority designates the chairperson of the
Planning Board. Chairing of the Commission alter-
nates on a calendar year basis between the two
planning board chairpersons. The alternate be-
comes vice-chairperson.
The Commission appoints the executive direc-
tor, general counsel, and secretary-treasurer. The
parks director and planning director for each county
are appointed by the Planning Boards (Code 1957,
Art. 28, sees. 1-101 through 8-125).
Gene L. Neff, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Parker Andrews; George G.
Balog; Alan C. Cason; Edward U. Graham, Ph.D.
Terms expire 1992.
Exoffifio: George G. Perdikakis, Director, Maryland
Environmental Service
Michael A. Gagliardo, Executive Director
25 S. Charles St., Suite 2105
Baltimore, MD 21201-3330 333-2730
Nonbudgeted Funds. Basically, Authority is self-
supporting; it receives minor appropriations from
participating counties, but no State funds.