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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 516   View pdf image (33K)
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516/Maryland Manual

Maryland Environmental Trust; one individual each
from the North Point Peninsula Community Coor-
dinating Council, Essex Middle River Civic Coun-
cil, Inc., Baltimore County Waterman's Association,
Greater Dundalk Community Council, and Hart
and Miller Island Area Environmental Group, Inc.;
and one representative each of the pleasure boating
industry and of the sport fishing or crabbing in-
dustry in Baltimore County The Committee also
includes two interested citizens who reside in the
6th and 7th Legislative Districts respectively (Code
Natural Resources Article, sec. 8-1602.2).


Paul B. Meritt, Chairperson, 1994
Sheila K. Riggs, Vice-Chairperson, 1993

Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair &
vice-chair): Walter D. Pinkard, 1991; Richard W.
Phoebus, St., 1992; Paige T. Davis, 1993; Owen
Italy II, 1994; Leonard I. Frenkil, 1995; Robert D.
H. Harvey, 1995.

.Ex officio: Lucille Maurer, State Treasurer
Donald P. Carter, Executive Director

22 E. Fayette St., 4th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202 837-6220


Annual Report to Governor due within first ninety
days of each fiscal year.

The Maryland Health and Higher Educational
Facilities Authority was created in 1970 (Chapter
408, Acts of 1970). The Authority assists hospitals
and institutions of higher education with financing
for construction, site acquisition, and capital equip-
ment. Private nonprofit health and higher educa-
tional facilities may use the Authority as a vehicle to
issue tax-exempt bonds and thereby pay a lower
rate of interest.
The Authority consists of nine members. Eight
are appointed to five-year terms by the Governor.
The State Treasurer serves ex officio. The Governor
annually designates the chairperson and vice-chair-
person. The Authority with the Governor's ap-
proval, appoints the Executive Director (Code
1957, Art. 43C).


Walter R. Tabler, Director

118 N. Howard St., Suite 610
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-4018
toll free: 1-800-492-1951
FAX line: 333-6247


FY1991 Total Appropriation ...... $1,102,248
General Funds .................. $1,102,248
FY1991 Tocal Authorized Positions ........ 15



Walter R. Tabler (appointed by Governor with Senate
advice 6-consmt) .....................333-4018

Patricia M. Rinehart ........... .333-4047

Robin L. Ryan .............333-4021

Bcrnicc Bell................333-4237

The Health Claims Arbitration Office was estab-
lished in 1976 (Chapter 235, Acts of 1976).
Any person asserting a claim due to medical
injury against a health care provider for damages
in excess of $10,000 must file the claim with the
Health Claims Arbitration Office. The Director
is responsible for notifying all affected parties and
for supplying a list of qualified arbitrators, six
from each of three categories. From each of these
categories, one mutually agreed upon arbitrator
is chosen to sit on a three-person arbitration
panel. That panel must determine who is liable
with respect to the claim and, if a health care
provider is liable, must consider and assess
damages. The decision of the arbitration panel is
final, unless rejected by any party, in which case
the rejecting party must file an appeal with the
Circuit Court to reverse or modify the award.
The Office is headed by a Director appointed
by the Governor with Senate advice and consent.
The Director is responsible for preparing three
lists of qualified persons willing to serve as ar-
bitrators of health-care malpractice claims. One
list consists of attorneys, one of health care
providers, and one of persons from the general
public who are neither attorneys, health care
providers, nor in the employ of insurance inter-
ests (Code Courts and Judicial Proceedings Ar-
ticle, sec. 3-2A-03).


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 516   View pdf image (33K)
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