482/Maryland Manual
The humanities include such subjects as history,
languages, literature, jurisprudence, ethics,
philosophy, archaeology, linguistics, comparative
religion, cultural anthropology, history and
criticism of the arts, and aspects of the social and
natural sciences that use historical or philosophical
approaches. The humanities are concerned chiefly
with ideas, the meanings of languages, and values.
These bodies of knowledge differ from quantitative
or value-free aspects of the social and natural scien-
ces and the creation or performance of the fine arts.
A. Samuel Penn, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Mary Arabian; Janelle A.
Cousino; John A. Donaho; Barbara B. Gregg;
James V. Harringron; J. T. H. Johnson, M.D.; Jack
Moseley; Michael B. Rogich; William B. Snyder;
Casper R. Taylor, Jr.; K. Donavon Waskom.
Charles Siegel, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place, 12th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-3287
The Governor's Commission on Insurance was
established in April 1990 by the Governor. The Com-
mission studied no-fault auco insurance, the insurance
industry's antitrust exemption, and the nature and
extent of insurance fraud, solvency and collateral
The Commission reported its findings on fraud,
solvency, and anti-trust exemptions to the Gover-
nor in December 1990. The Commission also will
submit reports on no-fault auto insurance and col-
lateral sources.
George B. Rasin, Jr., Chairperson, 1991
Judson P. Garrett, Jr., Vice-Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor: Perry C. Gaidurgis; Thomas
E. Hickman; Madeline F. Moore; Alfred J.
O'Ferrall III; Noah Salamon; Mark Shriver;
Harriette Taylor. Terms expire 1991.
Peter D. Blauvelt; Roger W. Brown; Michael J.
Flaherty; Clementine L. Kaufman; Donald
Nelinson; Alexander J. Palenscar; David Sann;
Linda Thompson. Terms expire 1992.
S. Britt Angle; Cornelius J. Behan; Anne S. Davis;
Donna T. Douglass; Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.; Nancy
S. Grasmick; EddieM. Harrison; Charles F. Mades;
Douglas H. Moore, Jr.; Nancy L. Murphy; Calvin
Street; Linda Ann Tun- Willin. Terms expire 1993.
Richard W. Friedman, 'Executive Director
301 W Preston St., 15th floor
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4817
The Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisory Council
was established in 1984 as an independent unit within
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (Ex-
ecutive Order 01.01.1984.08). In 1987, the Council
was placed under the Juvenile Services Agency (Ex-
ecutive Order 01.01.1987.21). The Council became
parr of the Governor's Office in 1988 (Executive
Order 01.01.1988.01).
The Council advises the Governor, State agen-
cies, and others on matters of juvenile delinquency
and the administration of juvenile justice.
The Council is the designated State agency to
receive Ibrmuin grant funds under provisions of the
federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Act ofl974 (PL. 93-415),as amended inl976,1977,
1980,1984, and 1988. The Council's responsibilities
include developing an annual plan for juvenile justice
funds, establishing grant award procedures and prac-
tices, and monitoring these funds.
The Council consists of from fifteen to thirty-three
members appointed by the Governor to three-year
terms. The Governor designates the chairperson.
Chairperson: Hilda E. Ford, Secretary of
Appointed by Governor: Dr. Walter G. Amprey; Alma
T. Bell; Dr. Lane Berk; Leonard A. Blackshear;
William Boucher III; Gail Bowerman; Fernando
Bren; Katherine Chin; Lorraine Flowers; Jill M.
Greenberg; Edward T. Lewis, Ph.D.; William
Mason; Althca P. Moore; David Rakes; Benjamin
Vacancy, State Coordinator
84 Franklin St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-2893
In September 1985, the Governor appointed the
Maryland Coordinating Committee for the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Holiday The Committee develops
commemorative and educational programs in tribute
to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968). Dr. King
led the civil rights movement which brought an end
to the system of segregation in this country He was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
The birthday of Dr. King, January 15th, has
been observed as a State holiday in Maryland since
1975 (Chapter 440, Acts ofl974). Its observance
as a national holiday began in 1986.