Sreinwachs, Ph.D.; Oris Warren; Lawrence S,
Wissow, M.D.
Contact: Richard I. Smith, StaffDirector
c/o Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 W Preston St., Room 137
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5941
The Governor's Commission on Health Care
Policy and Financing was created by the Governor
in February 1988. The Commission is conducting
a comprehensive review of the State's current health
care system in order to recommend ways to ensure
that all Marylanders have access to quality, cost-ef-
fective health care. Issues before the Commission
include uninsured persons and uncompensated
care, cost containment, long-term care, and
simplified medical billing.
In December 1990, the Commission and its
Subcommittee on Uninsured Persons submitted a
joint interim report to the Governor. The Commis-
sion and Subcommittee expect to complete their
work on uninsured persons during 1991. The Com-
mission also will report on additional issues in 1991.
Joseph I. Pines, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Calhoun Bond; Barbara
Darr; Paula C. Hollinger; Bruce S. Lane; Roger C.
Lipitz; Sr. MaryKaren McNally; Martin B. Mintz;
Janet Warren Neslen, M.D.; John S. Perreca;
Virginia M. Thomas; Loretta Lewis Wall.
The Subcommittee on LongTerm Care, under
the Commission's direction, is evaluating the long-
term care needs of the frail elderly, the severely
retarded, the chronically ill, the chronically mentally
ill, substance abusers, individuals with AIDS, and
persons in need ofrehabilitative services.
Rev. Joseph A.Sellinger, Chairperson
Andre W. Brewster, Vice-Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Rudolph Arrendondo;
Donald L. DeVries, Jr.; Margaret Emily
Ensminger, Ph.D.; Richard G. Frank; Barbara F.
Goldberg; Ronald A. Guns; Francis X. Kelly; Carl
J. Sardegna; Samuel E. Wynkoop, Jr.
Under the Commission's direction, the Subcom-
mittee on Uninsured Persons is examining the
problems experienced by uninsured or underin-
sured persons in obtaining needed health care.
Executive Commwions/481
Chairperson: Melvin A. Steinberg, Lieutenant
Appointed by Governor: William H. Amoss; Charles L.
Benron, Jr.; James P. G. Flynn, M.D.; Charles E.
Hucchins; Timothy F. Maloney; Thomas A.
Matringly; Amcen I. Ramzy, M.D.; Elmer H. Tippett.
Contact: Marsha L. Burden
c/o Office of the Lieutenant Governor
Stare House
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-2804
At die request of the General Assembly the Gover-
nor reconstituted the Maryland Med-Evac Helicopter
Advisory Committee (1977-1983) as the Maryland
Executive Helicopter Advisory Committee in August
1987 (Joint Resolution no. 20, Acts of 1987). The
Maryland Executive Helicopter Advisory Committee
provides oversight and policy guidelines to the
Maryland Emergency Medical Services Systems
regarding the State Med-Evac Program.
Catherine R. Gira, Chairperson
Appointed by Board of Directors: Elizabeth Baer;
George H. Callcott; Patricia S. Florestano; Bernice
Friedland; J. Elizabeth Garraway; JackL. B. Gohn;
Nancy S. Grasmick; Agnes M. GrifFen; Gilbert
Gude; Jack R. Harris; Freeman A. Hrabowski III;
John W. Huston; Ricliard Macksey; Everett L.
Marshburn; Ruthe Steftey; Robert L. Weinberg;
Mary Zimmerman.
Appointed by Governor: Carl Bode; Cornelius P.
Darcy; Joseph T. Durliam; Sandy F. Eisenberg; H.
Mnrgret Znssenhaus.
Naomi F. Collins, Executive Director
516 N. Charles St., Suite 102
Baltimore, MD 21201 625-4830
The Maryland Humanities Council was formed in
1970 in response to die federal law creating the
National Endowment for the Humanities (PL. 94-
462). It is a private, nonprofit Maryland corporation
funded by the federal government, foundations, cor-
porations, and individuals, and by a grant from the
Division of Historical and Cultural Programs of the
Maryland Department of Housing and Community
Development. The Governor appoints four to six of
its twenty-one to twenty-six volunteer members. The
Council reports regularly to the Governor.
The Council awards grants for humanities
projects for die public to promote understanding
and appreciation of the humanities in Maryland.