^SO/Maryland Manual
The Committee is to develop an accident preven-
tion plan and a driver improvement program.
0. James Lighthizer, Chairperson
William C. Baker, Vice-Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: Charles B. Adams; John S.
Arnick; Henry S. Baker, Jr.; Daniel B. Brewster;
Torrey C. Brown, M.D.; David Burwell; James F.
Clark, Jr.; Charles I. Ecker; Charles J. Gaston;
James W. Gracie; Ralph E. Grossi; Robert B.
Hayden; Wayne A. Klockner; RonaldM. Kreitner;
Jack Lorenz; Hans F. Mayer; Joseph J. McCann;
Sally Michael; Herman I. Porten; Michael J.
Wagner; Margaret S. Yewell.
William A. Krebs, Executive Director
2012 Industrial Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401 974-7957
The Governor created the Maryland Greenways
Commission in March 1990, Greenways are cor-
ridors of open space which are connected for recrea-
tion and conservation. They follow streams,
ridgetops, rivers and other natural features. The
Commission will implement a model project along
the Patapsco River. The Commission also will
develop a blueprint for a network of greenways in
urban and rural areas throughout the State.
Appointed by the Governor, the Commission
consists of twenty-three members who represent
State and local government, conservation and com-
munity groups, and business.
In June 1990, the Commission submitted a
preliminary report of findings and recommenda-
tions to the Governor.
Michael D. Barnes, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: RichardM. Alter; William C.
Baker; Elizabeth Bobo; John B. Colvin; J. P. Blase
Cooke; Samuel H. Dyke; C. Bernard Fowler;
Walter A. Frey III; Ronald A. Guns; Arnold M.
Kronstadt; Debi Lee Osborne; Anna M. Long;
Regina J. McNeill; Sally Michel; John C. North;
Theo C. Rodgers; Jerome Scheer; Donald L.
Spickler; Anne P. Swanson.
Ex officio: Wayne A. Cawley, Jr., Secretary of
Agriculture; Charles L. Benton, Jr., Secretary of
Budget & Fiscal Planning; J. RandallEvans, Secretary
of Economic & Employment Development; Robert
Perdasepe, Secretary of the Environment; Jacqueline
H. Rogers, Secretary of Housing & Community
Development; Torrey C. Brown, Secretary ofNatural
Resources; 0. James Lighthizer, Secretary of
Transportation; Ronald M. Kreitner, Director of
Planning; David A. C. Carroll, Chesapeake Bay
Coordinator; Thomas W. Burke, Director,
Chesapeake Bay Communications Office; Robert A
Pascal, Governor's Appointments Secretary.
Staff: M. Gail Moran
c/o Office of State Planning
301 W Preston St., Room 1101
Baltimore MD 21201 225-4561
As part of the Chesapeale Bay Agreement, the
Governor's Commission on Growth in the
Chesapeake Region (also known as the 2020 Com-
mission) was established by the Governor in October
1989 to guide the State's growth pttems until the
year 2020. The Commission is to study the relation-
silip between development in the Chesapeake region
and pollution of Chesapeake Bay The Commission
also will recommend ways to limit the impact of
anticipated growth on the Chesapeaice Bay watershed.
In November 1990, the Commission submitted
preliminary proposals for legislation to protect
Chesapeake Bay and the State's dwindling supply
of open space. Reports and additional proposals
were submitted to the Governor in January 1991.
Dr. Gerard H. Schlimm, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: William J. Brown; James E.
Gutman; Mitchell A. Kaplan; Harold D. Palmer;
two vacancies.
c/o Dept. of Civil Engineering
Lacrobc Hall, Room 108
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD 21218-2699 338-7828
The Governor appointed the Hart-Miller Ad-
visory Board in 1981. The Board monitors the
construction of the Hart-Miller Spoils Area Dike
and advises the Governor of any problems in con-
struction or operation.
Eugene M. Feinblatt, Chairperson
Appointed by Governor: John S. Arnick; William A.
Beasman, Jr.; Leonard A. Blackshear; Karen Davis,
Ph.D.; Janet L. Hoflman; Edmund G. Howe,
M.D.; Thomas E. Malone, Ph.D.; Joseph I. Pines;
Catherine I. Riley; Rev. Joseph A. Sellinger; Steven
Sievercs; Edmund W. Smallwood; Donald M.