440/Maryland Manual
Designated by President^ State Chiefs of Police
Association: Capt. William R. Turnbull
Maryland State Police Headquarters
Pikesville, MD 21208 799-0190
toll free: 1-800-637-KIDS
Now within the Criminal Intelligence Division,
the State Clearinghouse for Missing Children was
established in 1985 (Chapter 496, Acts of 1985).
The Clearinghouse receives, collects, and dis-
tributes general information and annual statistics
regarding missing children. The Clearinghouse
coordinates its work with law enforcement agencies
and persons or groups concerned with children
who have disappeared from or are thought to be
located in Maryland.
The Advisory Council to the State Clearing-
house on Missing Children reviews the work of the
Clearinghouse and the training of and investigatory
procedures used by law enforcement personnel to
locate missing children. The Council also studies
methods for identifying children prior to their en-
rollment in school. In addition, the Council ex-
plores the feasibility of using the Federal Parent
Locator Service to find missing children.
The Council consists of nine members who serve
terms of two years. Two members, representing the
public, are appointed by the Governor. The remain-
ing seven members include the Director of the
Office for Children, Youth, and Families, who serves
as chairperson, and one representative each from
the Department of Juvenile Services, State Depart-
ment of Education, Maryland State Police,
Governor's Youth Advisory Council, Scare Chiefs of
Police Association, and State Sheriffs' Association
(Code Family Law Article, sec. 9-403).
James E. Harvey, Chief
Formerly known as the Logistical Services Bureau,
the Services Bureau is responsible for eight divisions:
Capital Improvements, Central Records, Electronic
Services, Motor Vehicles, Personnel Management,
Supply Telecommunications, and Training. The State
Police, through its Services Bureau, operates a Police
Academy for the training of its personnel. These
facilities are available to all other law enforcement
agendes throughout the State.
The Capital Improvements Division submits re-
quests for capital fund projects as directed by the
Superintendent. The Division maintains liaison
with the Department of General Services regarding
buildings and projects of agency interest, and coor-
dinates maintenance and repair of Stare Police
The Central Records Division, formerly the
Central Accident Records Division, received its
present name in 1990. The Division receives, com-
piles, analyzes, and distributes motor vehicle acci-
dent reports from all Maryland law enforcement
agencies. The Division provides aggregate accident
data to the State Highway Administration and
police agencies and individual records as requested
to individuals. The Division also maintains records
of all motor vehicle law violations through citation
control and coordinates all Maryland Uniform
Crime Reporting.
The Electronic Services Division maintains com-
munication equipment for State Police and allied
local, Scare and federal agencies. The Division main-
tains electronic devices, including VASCAR and
RADAR for the State Police, and assists other
agencies when equipment is of similar design.
The Motor 'Vehicle Division repairs, maintains, and
makes disposition of the motor vehide fleet. The Division
also prepares and maintains equipment specifica-
tions and standards of performance for the fleet.
The Personnel Management Division maintains
personnel records for the State Police and is composed
of the Recruiting Section, the Applicant Records Unit,
the Medical Records and Service Section, and the
Promotional Standards and Development Unit.
The Supply Division procures materials, sup-
plies, equipment, and services necessary for opera-
tion. Within the Division, che Agency Property
Unit controls the storage and disposition of proper-
ty held by the State Police.
The Telecommunications Division operates the
Headquarters Central Communications Center
and the Maryland Inceragency Law Enforcemenc
System. The Division also supervises the statewide
Civil Defense Alert System.
The Training Division administers all State Police
training programs, including curricula development
and entry-level in-service and specialized training.