The Sundry Claims Board was established in
1961 (Chapter 440, Acts of 1961). The Board
administers claims filed by any prisoner who has
been injured in the course of employment while
working for compensation in the Eatuxent Institu-
tion, the Maryland Penitentiary, the Maryland
House of Correction, or any other institution under
the supervision of the Division of Correction.
Three ex offido members or their designees serve
on the Board. The Governor designates the chairper-
son and secretary (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 4-701).
Dr. Henry R. Lcsansky, Director
6776 Reisterscown Rd., Suite 314
Baltimore, MD 21215 764-4029
The Division of Audits and Compliance was
created in May 1987 as an independent unit within
the Office of the Secretary The Division was estab-
lished by the Secretary in compliance with the
Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal
Auditing (SPPIA), which require every internal
audit unit to have a written Charter (Code 1957,
Art. 41, sec. 4-104).
The Division ensures objective review of agency
facilities, property equipment, personnel, ad-
ministration, and operations and assists the
Secretary in evaluating the overall performance of
each unit's management team. The Division has the
authority and responsibility to conduct financial,
performance, program, and grant audits or inspec-
tions within the Department for this purpose.
In practice, the Division achieves its purpose
through on-going audit, inspection, monitoring,
and periodic reporting of all the Department func-
tions and activities. The Division reports to the
Secretary and the Assistant Secretary on matters
requiring corrective action, primarily through writ-
ten audit reports. These reports contain detailed
assessments of a unit's level of compliance with
applicable laws, regulations, directives, procedure
and standards, and include recommendations for
corrective action of each cited deficiency
Col. Elmer H. Tippect, Superintendent
Vacancy, Deputy Superintendent
Pikesville, MD 21208 653-4219
The Maryland State Police originated in 1935
(Chapter 303, Acts of 1935). The agency is charged
with enforcing State motor vehicle and criminal laws
and safeguarding the lives and safety of all persons
within the State. The agency protects property and
assists all persons to secure the equal protection of law.
The agency also preserves the public peace; detects
and prevents crime; and enforces the laws and
ordinances of the Scare and its local subdivisions. It
apprehends and arrests criminals and those who
violate or are lawfully accused of violating such laws
and ordinances; and preserves order in public
places. In addition, the agency maintains the safe,
orderly How of traffic on public streets and high-
ways and cooperates with and assists law enforce-
ment agencies in carrying out their duties.
The Maryland State Police has statewide juris-
diction except in incorporated municipalities.
Within municipalities the agency may exercise juris-
diction under certain conditions, as regulated by
statute (Code 1957, Art. 88B, sees. 3, 4, 20, and
23). The Stare Police also enforces the laws relating
to controlled dangerous substances (narcotics)
throughout the State with no jurisdictional limita-
tions (Code 1957, Art. 27, sec. 298(g)).
• Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice
and consent, the Superintendent serves at the
pleasure of the Governor. The Superintendent may
designate two deputy superintendents with the ap-
proval of the Secretary of Public Safety and Correc-
tional Services (Code 1957, Art. 88B, sees. 14,16).
The Maryland State Police is organized into four
bureaus: Services, Spedal Operations, Drug Enforce-
ment, and Beld Operations. The Criminal Intelligence
Division is directly under the Superintendent.
John P. Cook, Jr., Commander
The Intelligence Division was renamed the
Criminal Intelligence Division in 1990. The
Division gathers information pertaining to or-
ganized crime, narcotics trafficking, and other
strategic data. Within the Division is the State
Clearinghouse for Missing Children.
Advisory Council
Chairperson: Eva P. Austin, Director, Office for
Children, Youth, & Families
Appointed by Governor: Helen Mennerick, 1989; one
Appointed by Superintendent, Md. State Police:
Richard J. Ashton
Designated by Secretary of Juvenile Services: one
Designated by State Superintendent of Schools: Mary
K. Albrittain
Designated by Chairperson, Governor's Touth Advisory
Council: one vacancy
Designated by President, State Sheriffs' Association:
one vacancy