Ebenezer Israel, M.D., M.P.H., Director
201 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-6700
The Office of Epidemiology and Disease Con-
trol works to control all communicable diseases
affecting people in Maryland. Through the
Epidemiology and Disease Control Program, the
Office strives to contain hard-to-control diseases,
such as hepatitis, influenza, sexually-transmitted
diseases, and rabies. The Office also works to con-
trol acute communicable diseases, tuberculosis,
nosocomial infections, and animal-borne diseases
transmittable to humans. In addition, the Office
oversees health programs for refugees and
David L. Resh, Jr., Director
4201 Parrerson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215 764-3579
Formerly the Office of Food and Product
Health, the Office of Food Protection and Con-
sumer Health Services received its present name in
1988. By eliminating or minimizing exposure to or
consumption of unsafe commodities and substan-
ces, the Office prevents disease, disability, and
death. The Office controls the manufacture, dis-
tribution, and sale of milk, food, and consumer
products. In addition, the Office establishes and
enforces regulations regarding migratory labor
camps, pools, mobile home parks, campgrounds,
youth camps, and outdoor music festivals.
The Office is aided by the Youth Camp Safety
Advisory Council.
Charlotte R. Blum, Chairperson, 1991
Afpoinud by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene and Senate advice 0-
consent: Stephen Eller, 1991; Barbara Hesse, 1991;
Shirley L. Shor, 1991; Siegfried Gerstung, 1992;
Richard B. Isaac, 1992; Julian W. Lewis, 1992;
Cecelia E. Alexander, 1993; G. Ralph Gorrell,
1993; Sandra M. King-Shaw, 1993; David L.
Resh, Jr., 1993.
Staff: Michael Hurney
c/o Community Health Surveillance
& Laboratories Admin.
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215 764-3484
The Youth Camp Safety Advisory Council was
established in 1986 (Chapter 116, Acts of 1986).
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene/299
The Council helps the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene develop and review regulations for
certifying youth camps. These regulations cover
safety procedures, sanitation, medical services,
water supplies, sewage disposal, refuse collection
and disposal, fire and safety standards, personnel
screening procedures, and reporting systems for
fatalities, serious illnesses or accidents. AU youth
camps must comply with these regulations.
Annually, the Council reports to the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene on the number of
youth camps, facilities in each county, and campers.
The Council consists of eleven members ap-
pointed to three-year terms by the Governor with
the advice of the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene and Senate advice and consent. Members
include a representative of the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene; a camping leader with
professional experience who does not own or
manage a youth camp; an owner or manager of a
nonprofit youth camp; an owner or manager of a
youth camp operating for profit; an owner or
manager of a youth camp accredited by the
American Camping Association; and an owner or
manager of a youth camp not accredited by the
Association. The Council also includes one public
member; two members from local health depart-
ments from two counties; and two members from
national camping organizations, such as Scouting
and 4-H Clubs (Code Health—General Article,
sees. 14-401 through 14-411).
Charles H. Tregoe, Director
4201 Patterson Ave., 4ch floor
Baltimore, MD 21215 764-2890
Formerly under die Office of Licensing and Cer-
tification, the Division of Drug Control was reor-
ganized in 1987 as the Office of Drug Control and
placed under the Community Health Surveillance
and Laboratories Administration. The Office enfor-
ces provisions of the Controlled Dangerous Sub-
stance Act and ensures the availability of drugs for
legitimate medical and scientific purposes while
working to prevent drug abuse (Code 1957, Art.
27, sees. 276-302). Office programs primarily focus
on physicians, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists,
manufacturers, distributors, nonpharmacy estab-
lishments, and pharmacies.
J. Mehsen Joseph, Ph.D., Director
201 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-6100
Formerly the Laboratories Administration, die
Laboratories Office became part of the Community
Health Surveillance and Laboratories Administra-