300/Maryland Manual
tion in 1987. The Office has broad responsibilities
for making a wide variety of laboratory tests to help
physicians and health officials prevent, diagnose,
and control human diseases. The Office performs
examinations in connection with the enforcement
of State health laws, and the chemical,
microbiological, and radiological surveillance of the
environment related to foods, waters, sewage, air,
pharmaceuticals, hazardous wastes, and bedding
and upholstery Laboratory tests are conducted to
support State occupational safety and health
regulations and to enforce pure food and drug laws.
The Office licenses all medical laboratories, tis-
sue banks, and physician office laboratories to en-
sure that they comply with standards and personnel
qualifications. It also certifies and periodically in-
spects laboratories that examine water and dairy
products for shipment out of Maryland. In addition
to a central laboratory in Baltimore, the Office
oversees eight branch labs throughout the State.
Vacancy, Chairperson
Appointed by Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene:
not yet appointed
Authorized in 1989, the Laboratory Advisory
Committee advises the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene on matters relating to medical
laboratories (Chapter 330, Acrs of 1989).
The Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
appoints the Committee and designates the chair.
Chinnadurai Devadason, M.D., D.P.H., Director
Alan Baker, Deputy Director
201 W Presron St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-5300
The Local Health Administration and the Fami-
ly Health Administration were merged in 1989 to
form the Local and Family Health Administration.
The Administration oversees the local health
departments in each Maryland county and Bal-
timore City to ensure that basic public health ser-
vices are provided in all parts of the State. Under
the direction of a local health officer, each local
health department provides these services and ad-
ministers and enforces Stare and local health laws
and regulations in its jurisdiction. Programs meet
the public health needs of the community and
provide services not offered by the private sector.
The health officer is joindy appointed by the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene and the
local governing body.
Under the Administration are seven main of-
fices: Child Health Services; Children's Medical
Services; Chronic Disease Prevention; Hereditary
Disorders; Management Services; Maternal Health
and Family Planning; and Women, Infants, and
Harold Goodman, D.M.D., M.P.H., Chief
The Division of Dental Health originated in
1929 and has been part of the Local and Family
Health Administration since 1989.
Robert C. EUiott, M.D., Director
P.O. Box 2018
Emerson Ave.
Salisbury, MD 21802 543-4011
Authorized by Chapter 994, Acts of 1945,
Deer's Head Center was established in 1950. It is a
regional facility for chronically ill and elderly adults
in need of medical and rehabilitation services, or
general medical care for chronic disease or terminal
illness. The Center also operates a kidney dialysis
facility for area residents.
Deer's Head Center provides the services of a
chronic disease hospital (including a small hospice
service) and a comprehensive care facility as well as
outpatient and end-stage kidney dialysis, and out-
patient rehabilitation therapy The licensed capacity
for the Center is 188 hospital beds and 33 com-
prehensive care beds (Code Health—General Ar-
ticle, sec. 19-502).
Louise L. Gulyas, Chairperson^ 1992
Appointed by Governor upon recommendation of
Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene: Oscar J.
Chapman, Ph.D., 1991; Richard L. Hamilton,
1992; Samuel Q. Johnson III, 1992; William D.
Waters, Sr., 1992; Mary Elizabeth Ellis, 1993; A.
Elaine Brown, 1994.
Upon recommendation of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene, the Governor ap-
points the Board's seven members to four-year
James E. Ross, Director
2201 Argonne Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218 554-5212
Authorized by Chapter 412, Acts of 1951, the
Montebello Center opened in 1953. Montebello is
a comprehensive care rehabilitation center, ac-
credited by the Commission of Accreditation of