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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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298/Maryland Manual

rions Services Administration was renamed as the Shilling, State Superintendent of Schools; Howard
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration in 1988 R. Sampson, Director, Alcohol & Drug Abuse
(Chapter 758, Acts of 1988). Administration; vacancy, Executive Assistant for

Alcoholism Control. The Administration serves as Health & Human Resources, Office of the
a clearinghouse for information on alcoholism. It Governor; Nancy J. Nowak, Executive Director,
develops and promotes State, regional and local Governor's Office of Justice Assistance.
plans and programs. For local governments, the 225-6871
Administration provides technical assistance and

consultation on alcoholism prevention and the The State Advisory Council on Alcohol and
treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics. Drug Abuse was created in 1988 (Chapter 758,

To prevent and treat alcoholism, the Administra- Acts of 1988). The Council advocates a com-
tion seeks assistance from public and voluntary health, prehensive approach to the social, economic,
education, welfare and rehabilitation agendes. The psychological and health problems of alcohol and
Administration encourages alcoholism rehabilitation drug abuse. It advises the Governor, the Secretary
programs in businesses and industries in the Stare of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the Alcohol
(Code Health—General Article, Tide 8). and Drug Abuse Administration on programs to

Drug Abuse Control. The Administration iden- control alcoholism and drug addiction.
tifies needs, policies, and strategies to prevent, diag- The Council consists of twenty-two members:

nose, and treat drug abuse in the State. The twelve public members appointed by the Governor

Administration funds projects based on need and for three-year terms; two legislators; and eight ex

encourages unique initiatives to prevent drug abuse officio members (Code Health—General Article,

or treat chemical substance abusers. This grant-in- sees. 8-301 through 8-306).

aid program emphasizes many kinds of public or

private nonprofit projects. The Administration ALCOHOLS DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT

coordinates its efforts with local health departments RESEARCHADVISOKT COMMITTEE

and health systems agencies to meet local needs. Vacancy, Chairperson

The Administration also maintains treatment and

rehabilitation facilities in local communities. The Appointed by Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene:

Administration monitors all drug abuse treatment not yet appointed

programs in the State and certifies these programs

annually No drug abuse treatment or prevention 225-6925

program, public or pnvate canoperate inMaryland ^ 1990 ^ ^hol and Drug Abuse Treat-
without certification by the Administration. ^ R^rch Advisory Committee was formed

Annually the Administration publishes a corn- (Chapter 580, Acts of 1990). The Committee
prehensive plan for drug abuse treatment and preven- develops the methodology for evaluating the effec-
non (Code Health-General Article, Title 9). ^ness of treatment programs. The Committee

The Administration is served by the State Ad- also advises the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Ad-
visory Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, ministration on regulations needed for research on

the effectiveness of treatment programs (Code
STATE ADVISOKT COUNCIL ON ALCOHOL 6r Health—General Article, sec. 8-402).

William H. Brill, Chairperson, 1992
Richard H. Lane, Vice-Chairperson, 1993 ____________________________

Appointed by Gapemor (vho also designates chair & CURV^TT^S^ A^lTORTF <;

vice-chair): Deborah A. Conn, 1991; Linda Hay SUR^IL^CTS^i?5.y
Crawford, 1991; Lenzlea F. Mosby, Jr., 1991; ______ADMINISTRATION______

Arthur Weatherbee, 1991; Rev. Norman A. T i^ i_ y i- ni-1^ r->-

Handy, Sr, 1992; Herbert Mamet, 1992; John R. J- Mehsen ^P11' phD•'Dtrectw

Steinberg, M.D., 1992; Laura S. Hardesty, 1993; 201 W Preston St.

Virginia L. Webb, 1993; Sherman M. Y. Yen, Baltimore, MD 21201 225-6100

Ph.D., 1993.

The Community Health Surveillance and
Appointed by Senate President: Larry Young Laboratories Administration was established by the

Appointed by House Speaker: Pauline H. Mencs Department in 1987. The Administration is respon-
sible for four offices: Epidemiology and Disease
Ex officio: Carolyn W. Colvin, Secretary of Human Control; Food Protection and Consumer Health
Resources; Ben Jones, designee of Secretary of Services; Drug Control; and Laboratories. The Ad-
Juvenile Services; Bishop L. Robinson, Secretary of ministration is assisted by and provides staff support
Public Safety & Correctional Services; Joseph L. for the Youth Camp Safety Advisory Council.

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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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