156/Maryland Manual
it is a pilot project designed to create a model
children and family services system.
With the assistance of the Governor's Sub-
cabinet for Children, Youth, and Families, the
Project develops policies and procedures to coor-
dinate interagency planning and budgeting for all
State programs concerned with the needs of young
children and adolescents who are abused,
neglected, abandoned, emotionally disturbed,
handicapped, or pregnant. Coordination also will
extend to programs for young people who are
runaways or substance abusers, as well as those who
are dependent, homeless, habitually truant, ungov-
ernable, or delinquent. Additionally, coordination
will include programs for youth who are at-risk
from these conditions and for their families.
The Project will review State statutes and regula-
tions on children and family services and propose
changes to use all available government and private
resources for essential services for children and
In selected areas, the Project will devise and
implement new local service delivery systems. It
then will develop plans for extending those systems
promptly throughout the State with the
Governor's approval.
Chairperson: Nancy S. Grasmick, Acting Special
Secretary for Children, Tmth, & Families
Appointed by Governor: Robert C. Embry, Jr.;
Harlow Fullwood, Jr.; Linda A. Harris; John M.
Hodge-Williams, Ed.D.; Barbara A. HofFman;
Francis X. Kelly; Nancy K. Kopp; Susan Paula
Leviron; Robert H. Mason; Jacqueline F.
McClean; Sally Michel; David B. Mitchell; Audrey
F. Moore; Marion W. Pines; Joseph T. Puhalla;
Howard P. Rawlings; Sylvia H. Saxton; Donna
Stark; Lucy Y. Steinitz; Carl William Struever;
Decatur W. Trotter.
Formed by the Governor in 1988, the Project
Advisory Council advises the Governor's Sub-
cabinet for Children, Youth, and Families and the
Department of Human Resources concerning the
Children and Family Services Reform Project.
Thomas Merrick
The Child and Adolescent Service System Pro-
gram was formed in 1989, when a three-year grant
from the National Institute for Mental Health was
awarded to the Office for Children, Youth, and
Families to establish services for emotionally dis-
turbed children and youth.
Working with families of children with emotion-
al disabilities, the Program helps develop and im-
plement a community-based system of care. The
Program increases parental involvement through
parent-professional collaboration efforts and, on
the Eastern Shore, develops a continuum of services
for emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.
Quentin R. Lawson, Chairperson, 1994
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair): Hal
Donofrio, 1991; Vivian I. Washington, 1991;
Carolyn G. Billingsley, 1992; MarkG. Loeb, 1992;
Rosalie F. Streett, 1992; DeWayne Wickham,
1992; Allen A. Herman, Ph.D.; Dr. Alain JofFe;
Kenneth C. Montague, Jr.; Donna Pile; two
Ex offifio: Charles L. Benton, Jr., Secretary of
Budget & Fiscal Planning; J. Randall Evans,
Secretary of Economic & Employment
Development; Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of
Health & Mental Hygiene; Carolyn W. Colvin,
Secretary of Human Resources; Joseph L. Shilling,
State Superintendent of Schools; Nancy S.
Grasmick, Acting Special Secretary for Children,
Youth, & Families.
Bronwyn Mayden, Executive Director
311 W Saratoga St., Room 260
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-0270
FY1991 Total Appropriation ....... .$492,823
FY1991 Total Authorized Positions ..........5
Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly.
The Governor's Council on Adolescent Preg-
nancy was established in 1986 (Chapter 121, Acts
of 1986). The Council had been an independent
agency located in the Department of Human
Resources for budgetary and administrative pur-
poses only In 1990, the Council was transferred to
the Office for Children, Youth, and Families (Chap-
ter 419, Acts of 1990).
The Council works to reduce unplanned adoles-
cent pregnancies in Maryland. To ensure a coor-
dinated and comprehensive approach to social,
educational, economic, health, and legal problems
of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood, the
Council is to prepare a statewide plan for reducing
adolescent pregnancy and improving services to
at-risk pregnant and parenting teenagers. The
Council promotes interdepartmental, public and
private coordination of policies and programs.
Appointed by the Governor, the Council con-
sists of twenty members. Eighteen members are
appointed to three-year terms. They include a mem-
ber of the Senate; a member of the House of