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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 155   View pdf image (33K)
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Pamela F Corckran, Chairperson, 1992

Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair)
Linda Canfield Blick, 1991, Victoria
Goddard Truitt, 1991, Gloria Goldfaden, 1991,
Sally Michel, 1991, Ellen Mugmon, 1991, Charles
I Shubm, M D , 1991, Edward; Tilghman, 1991

Designated by Senate President Gerald W
Winegrad, Thomas M Yeager

Designated by House Speaker Robert L Ehrlich, Jr ,
Sheila E Hixson

Governmental representatives appointed by Governor
Mm Leong, State Dept of Education, Polly B
Harnson, M D , Dept of Health & Mental
Hygiene, Calvin Street, Dept of Human
Resources, Deborah A Unitas, Judiciary, Sandra
A O'Connor, Baltimore County State's Attorney

Contact E\a P Au5dn 225-4160

The Governor's Council on Child Abuse and
Neglect was created by the Governor in 1986 (Ex
ecucive Order 01 01 1986 07) The Council is part
of the Office for Children, Youth, and Families for
budgetary, administrative and staffing purposes
The Council advises the Governor on the im-
plementation and effectiveness of programs to
prevent, detect, and treat child abuse and neglect

Robert Drachman, M D , Chairperson, 1992

Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair)
Nancy S Grasmick, 1990, Jacqueline
Byrd-Tillman, 1991; Susan Renee Grant, Ph D ,
1991, Polly B Hamson, M D , 1991, Rabbi Y
Lowenbraun,1991, IhereseW Lansburgh, 1992,
Scott Menzies, 1992, G Frederick Robinson,
1992, four vacancies

Representatives of local children's councils appointed by
Governor Mary Biery, Allegany County, Karen
Michalec, Anne Arundel County, Linda Pierson,
Baltimore City, Elouise Stockdale, Baltimore
County, Mary Ellen Gibson, Calvert County,
Diane K Thau, Caroline County, Marianne S
Earhart, Carroll County, Linda Blansfield Brown,
Cecil County, Annc 5 Jdinesun, Charles Counry;
Glona A Warner, Dorchester County, Rosemary
Rosensteel, Frederick County, vacancy, Garrecr
County, Wallace E Brengle, Jr , Harford County,
Linda Burton, Howard County, Mary Lee Creager,
Kent County, Darby Topper, Montgomery
County, Robert Drachman, M D , Prince George's
County, Kathleen A Smith, Queen Anne's
County, Valeric von Allmen, Sc Mary's County,
Charles E Massey, Somerset County, vacancy,

Constitutional Offices & Agencies/155

Talbot County, J Robert Storer, Washington
County, Cynthia Ann Shifler, Wicomico County,
Thomas Tucker, Worcester County

Ex officio Nelson J Sabatim, Secretary of Health &
Mental Hygiene, Elizabeth Bobo, designee of
Secretary of Human Resources, Dr J Calvin
Buford, designee of State Superintendent of


The Advisory Committee for Children, Youth,
and Families monitors activities of the Office for
Children, Youth, and Families and periodically
reports its findings to the Special Secretary The
Committee also reviews issues relating to programs
and services and recommends priorities for these to
the Special Secretary
Appointed by the Governor, the Committee
consists of forty members Twenty four represent
the twenty four local Children's Councils, twelve
represent the public, and tlic Departments of
Education, Health and Mental Hygiene, Human
Resources, and Juvenile Services each are repre
sented by a member Members serve three-year
terms The Governor designates the chairperson
(Code 1957, Art 49D, sec 3)

Local Children's Councils exist in each county
and in Baltimore City Within their Jurisdictions, the
Children's Councils evaluate public and private
programs, services, and plans for children, secure
and analyze departmental plans and budget re-
quests affecting children's programs and services,
and review the use and availability of federal, State,
local, and private funds They identify, document,
and communicate needs, resources, and priorities to
the local governing body and to the Office for
Children, Youth, and Families The Councils also
provide public information on children's programs
and services
Each Council is appointed by the chief executive
officer of the county or, in the case of Baltimore City,
by the mayor Each Council includes repre
sentanves of the local departments of health, educa-
tion, and social services, and members appointed at
large Members serve three-year terms (Code 1957,
Art 49D, sec 5)


Donna Stark, Director

The Children and Family Services Reform
Project was established by the Governor in June
1988 (Executive Order 01 01 1988 09) Known as
the Children and Family Services Reform Initiative,


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Maryland Manual, 1991-92
Volume 185, Page 155   View pdf image (33K)
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