154/Maryland Manual
The Office for Children, Youth, and Families
includes the twenty-four local Children's Councils;
the State Coordinating Council for Residential
Placement of Handicapped Children; the
Children's Trust Fund Advisory Board; the
Governor's Council on Child Abuse and Neglect;
the Advisory Committee for Children, Youth, and
Families; the Children and Family Services Reform
[Initiative] Project; the Child and Adolescent Ser-
vices System Program; the Governor's Council on
Adolescent Pregnancy; and the Maryland Infants
and Toddlers Program (Code 1957, Art. 49D, sees.
Chairperson: Walter G. R. Wirsching, designee of
Secretary of Juvenile Services
Ex officio: Howard R. Sampson, designee of
Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Linda M.
Heisner, designee of Secretary of Human
Resources; Richard J. Steinke, designee of State
Superintendent of Schools; Daniel J. O'Brien, Jr.,
Office of Attorney General; Nancy S. Grasmick,
Acting Special Secretary for Children, Youth, &
Families; Diane K. Ebberts, Director, Office for
Individuals with Disabilities.
Jon Hackbarth, £wc»(ive Director
The State Coordinating Council for Residential
Placement nf Handicapped Children was estab-
lished by the Governor in 1982 (Executive Order
01.01.1982.09). The Governor reestablished the
Council within the Office for Handicapped In-
dividuals in 1987 (Executive Order
01.01.1987.10). The Council was transferred to
the Office for Children, Youth, and Families in 1990
(Chapter 419, Acts of 1990).
The Council has developed procedures for the
operation of Local Coordinating Councils to assure
that chose handicapped children who need residen-
tial placement at treatment centers and schools
receive a complete plan of care.
With the Local Coordinating Councils, the Stare
Coordinating Council plans, coordinates, and
monitors multiple-agency services for handicapped
children in residential placements and for those
requiring residential placement. It also maintains a
multiple-agency information system that assures
agency accountability to handicapped children and
enables the State to plan for needed services.
The State Coordinating Council consists of the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene; the
Secretary of Human Resources; the Secretary of
Juvenile Services; the State Superintendent of
Schools; and the Special Secretary for Children,
Youth, and Families; or their designees. The Direc-
tor of the Office for Individuals with Disabilities
serves ex officio as a nonvoting member (Code
State Government Article, sees. 9-1502, 9-1503).
Diane J. W O'Conor, Child Care Coordinator
The position of Child Care Coordinator was
created within the Office for Children and Youth by
the Governor in December 1987 (Executive Order
01.01.1987.29). The Coordinator coordinates
policy planning, and development for child day care
programs among all State agencies, commissions,
councils, boards, and task forces. For businesses,
local governments, prospective providers, com-
munity groups, and the public, the Coordinator
serves as an information clearinghouse and referral
office on available child care services, government
regulations, and child care financing. In addition,
the Coordinator promotes and markets a public-
private partnership to meet the child care needs of
Maryland's employees, employers, and families
(Code 1957, Art. 49D, sec. 8).
Eva P Austin
The Director of the Office for Children, Youth,
and Families oversees the work of the Children's
Councils and is aided by the Children's Trust Fund
Advisory Boaid, the Govcinoi's Council on Child
Abuse and Neglect; and the Advisory Committee
for Children, Youth, and Families.
Phyllis B. Brorman, Chairperson, 1992
Deborah D. Richardson, Vice-Chairperson, 1991
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair &
vice-chair): Mary T. Foster, 1991; Karen Gaines,
1991; Vernell B. Arrington, 1992; Frank T.
Richardson, 1992; Cathy Lee Alfandre, 1993;
Taghi Modarressi, M.D., 1993; one vacancy.
The Children's Trust Fund provides grants to
public and private community-based organizations
and agencies for innovative programs to prevent
child abuse and provide treatment. Formed in
1989, the Children's Trust Fund Advisory Board
reviews applications for grants from the Fund
(Chapter 757, Acts of 1989).
The Governor appoints the Board's nine mem-
bers to three-year terms (Code 1957, Art. 49D,
sees. 6-7).