review, develops a consolidated operating budget
for higher education, which it presents to the
The Board also reviews proposals for capital
projects requested by public and private institu-
tions of higher education. This review is carried
out in consultation with the Department of State
Planning. The Board's inventories of facilities as
well as its plans for space utilization facilitate this
capital budget review. The Board also administers
the State's program of aid to private institutions
of higher education.
The State Board for Higher Education grants
approval to operate to all Maryland public and
private institutions of postsecondary education,
both collegiate and non-collegiate. This approval
is contingent on an institution's ability to meet
standards developed by the Board for the issuance
of certificates, diplomas, and degrees. The Board
must review and approve educational programs
that enroll veterans and war orphans in order for
these students to become eligible for federal finan-
cial benefits (U.S. Code, Title 38).
The Board must approve all proposals for new
programs and for major changes in existing pro-
grams in the State's public postsecondary institu-
tions. It also reviews and makes recommendations
on programs currently in operation in public insti-
tutions or in private institutions that receive State
funds. In addition, the Board recommends to the
Governor and General Assembly any name or
governance change requested for a public institu-
tion of higher education.
To secure the maximum benefit from available
resources, the Board encourages the development
of cooperative programs among State public insti-
tutions. It also develops policies for student trans-
fers and reciprocal credit acceptance. In coopera-
tion with the Southern Regional Education Board
and with individual states, the Board pursues in-
terstate approaches to meeting educational needs.
The Board works to improve cooperation be-
tween the federal government and policy makers
at the State and institutional levels. It also serves
as the administrative agency in the State for pro-
grams under Title I of the Higher Education Act
of 1965. Title I provides State higher education
Independent Agencies/407
institutions with opportunities for discretionary
funding in the areas of community service and
continuing education.
The State Board for Higher Education coordi-
nates and monitors the implementation of A Plan
to Assure Equal Postsecondary Educational Oppor-
tunity, 1985-1989. In carrying out this responsi-
bility, the Board collects, compiles, and analyzes
data related to equal educational opportunity in
State public colleges and universities. The results
of the institutions' efforts are published and dis-
tributed annually as status reports, which describe
and compare equal educational opportunities
throughout the State.
The Board reviews all new degree programs and
facilities for their potential effect on State equal
opportunity efforts. The Board also studies specif-
ic areas of concern, such as the retention and
progress of students by race and the impact of ac-
ademic programs on the racial composition of stu-
dents enrolled.
The Board administers a variety of programs
designed to enhance equal opportunity efforts.
These include the Other Race Grants Program for
Graduate and Professional School Students, and
the Henry C. Welcome Fellowship Program.
Chairperson: Dr. Earl S. Richardson, 1988
James H. Ethridge, 1987; J. Elizabeth Garraway,
1987; Dr. Nelson Guild, 1987; Dr. Edward T.
Lewis, 1987; Dr. James E. Lyons, Sr., 1987; Dr.
John S. Toll, 1987; Dr. James D. Tschechtelin,
1987; Dr. Robert H. Chambers III, 1988; Dr.
John M. Kingsmore, 1988, Davis S. Sparks, 1988.
The Segmental Advisory Committee serves as
an advisory board to the State Board for Higher
Education. The Committee represents various seg-
ments of the higher education community.
The Committee consists of eleven members ap-
pointed by the Governor. Two members represent
the University of Maryland Board of Regents, one
represents Morgan State University, two represent
the Board of Trustees of the State Universities
and Colleges, one represents St. Mary's College,
two represent the State Board for Community
Colleges, two represent the private colleges and