Nominated by the Chief Judge of the Court of
Appeals, one member represents the Circuit
Court. Four are persons who have demonstrated
concern, interest, and/or knowledge in the area of
criminal justice. The remaining five members in-
clude one representative from each of the follow-
ing: Maryland Association of Counties; Maryland
Municipal League; State's Attorney's Association;
Chiefs of Police Association; and Maryland Sher-
iffs Association. The Governor designates the
chairperson and vice-chairperson.
Co-Chairperson: Rabbi Murray Saltzman
Co-Chairperson: Verda F. Welcome
Dr. Walter G. Amprey; DeLawrence Beard;
Alma T. Bell; William Boucher III; Gail
Bowerman; Jill M. Greenberg; Edward T. Lewis,
Ph.D.; Enolia McMillan; Gregory Meekins; David
Steven C. Newsome, State Coordinator
84 Franklin St.
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 974-2893
In September 1985, the Governor appointed the
Maryland Coordinating Committee for the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Holiday. The Committee devel-
ops commemorative and educational programs in
tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 -
The birthday of Dr. King, January 15, has been
commemorated as a State holiday in Maryland
since 1975 (Chapter 440, Acts of 1974). Its ob-
servance as a national holiday began in 1986.
Chairperson: Daniel B. Brewster
Charles A. Burton, Sr.; Claude L. Callegary;
Mary A. Conroy; Robert N. Ford; G. R. Hovey
Johnson; Warren Keyser; Charles Kreatchman;
W. Leroy Maddox; Charles Bucky Muth; Jann
Shenebeck; Robert G. Wilson; Eleanor P.
Wimbish; Jeanette Wolman; Thomas M. Yeager.
Executive Commissions/35 7
Charles Bucky Muth, Director
Memorial Building
Lexington and Gay Sts.
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 333-1493/4
In June 1986, the Governor created the Korean
War Memorial Commission at the request of the
General Assembly (Joint Resolution no. 3, Acts of
1985). The Commission is to make recommenda-
tions regarding the design, construction, and
placement of a memorial to Marylanders who
served in the Korean War. Additionally, the
Commission will compile a list of Marylanders
who died in or are still declared missing-in-action
from the Korean War.
Chairperson: Joseph A. Ciotola
Barbara Jones, Secretary
Y. Hillel Abrams; James J. Ackerman; Douglas
M. Bregman; Joseph A. Ciotola; Elsie Mae
Cohen; David M. Harris; Franzella M. Hayward;
Jay L. Lenrow; Patricia Martin-Smith; Charles
Piccinini; Sue P. Waller; seven vacancies.
Michele Gilligan, Reporter
University of Baltimore Law School
Charles St. and Mt. Royal Ave.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 625-3121
The Governor established this commission in
1970 at the request of the General Assembly
(Joint Resolution no. 46, Acts of 1970). The Com-
mission studies current State and local laws, ordi-
nances, and regulations concerning landlord-ten-
ant law in order to formulate an all-encompassing
revision and consolidation of landlord-tenant law
in Maryland.
Chairperson: Les Kinion
Marilyn Bevans; Joseph J. Chiapparelli; Robert
Davidson; Robert DeMarino; William Diegel;
Robert Feldman; Henry C. Freeman; Robert Hall;
Ernie Imhoff; Scott Lutrey; Terry McCracken;
Fredye Murphy; Michael Pierre; Robert Ray;
Eddy Rayford; Frank Satorelli; Jerry Smolinski;
Bill Williams.