services and commercial printing and equipment.
To ensure quality reproduction at the lowest pos-
sible cost, the Division advises and assists State
agencies in matters relating to their in-house du-
plicating, graphic communication formats, materi-
als, and production methods. The Division also
operates a mail/courier service for State agencies
located within the Baltimore and Annapolis areas.
William T. Robel, Manager
301 W. Preston St., Room 1303-H
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4255
This division was authorized by the 1977 Gen-
eral Assembly to provide efficient use of the capi-
tal invested in State government inventories. The
Division plans and controls inventories of State
materials, supplies, and food items. It establishes
investment standards and controls for individual
agencies to minimize the capital needed to meet
inventory requirements. The Division issues poli-
cies, regulations, and guidelines and provides
technical assistance to State agencies on all mat-
ters involving controls, planning, storage, and dis-
tribution of inventories. The Division also man-
ages the physical inventory and personal property
disposal programs.
Philip F. Schneider, Records Administrator
State Records Management Center
P.O. Box 275
7275 Waterloo Road
Rc-utes 175 and U.S. 1
Jessup 20794 Telephone: 799-1930
The Records Management Division develops
programs and policies for the efficient manage-
ment of the records of all departments and agen-
cies of Maryland State government and provides
assistance in the preparation of records retention
and disposal schedules.
The Division operates a central Records Center
located at Jessup for the storage of inactive State
records, which must be retained for specified peri-
ods of time to meet State legal and administrative
The Division coordinates the State's Forms
Management Program and the forms management
plans of each Department or agency to assure the
use of only those forms which are necessary for
effective or efficient operation.
To all State agencies, the Division also offers
cost reimbursable microfilm services, including
both source document and computer output mi-
crofilming (Code State Government Article, sees.
10-631 through 10-634).
Eric S. Walbeck, Assistant Secretary
301 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4214
The Assistant Secretary for Engineering is re-
sponsible for the management and general direc-
tion of the Office of Engineering and Const-
ruction, and the Office of Facilities Management.
The Assistant Secretary coordinates the develop-
ment and implementation of policies, procedures,
regulations, and standards to assure that pro-
grams and services effectively meet the needs of
the agencies served. In addition, the Assistant
Secretary provides architectural and engineering
staff to support the administration of the General
Professional Services Selection Board.
The Assistant Secretary for Engineering and the
Assistant Secretary for Operations constitute the
Department's Procurement Review Board.
Chairperson: E. Donald Reilly, public member,
Richard M. Foose, Jr.; Eric S. Walbeck; Albert
Weinstein, public member, 1987; Herbert D.
Belknap, alternate member.
Robert J. Byrd, Administrator
301 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225^295
The General Professional Services Selection
Board was established in 1974 (Chapter 732, Acts
of 1974). The Board provides an equitable method
for awarding architectural and engineering con-
tracts on certain State-financed capital projects for
which the design fee exceeds $100,000. The Board
is responsible for negotiating service contracts
with architectural and engineering firms consid-
ered to be the most qualified at a price the Board
determines to be fair, competitive, and reasonable.
The Board consists of four permanent members
and one floating member. Permanent members are