The Office of Real Estate was administratively
formed by the Department of General Services in
July 1978. The Office places the Space Manage-
ment Division and the Land Acquisition Division
under one Director. This organization improves
coordination and efficiency of the State's real es-
tate activities.
Deborah A. Photiadis, Chief
301 W. Preston St., Room 1307
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225^310
The Land Acquisition Division acquires and
disposes of real property for State agencies with
the exception of the Department of Transporta-
tion. Most of the Division's work is for the De-
partment of Natural Resources.
The Division acquires Open Space property for
State parks, wildlife preserves, and natural envi-
ronment areas. To secure such property, the Divi-
sion obtains independent appraisals, conducts ne-
gotiations with owners, secures purchase options,
and requests Board of Public Works approval on
proposed purchase terms. The Division also
processes requests to obtain or grant rights of way
and public utility, preservation, and scenic ease-
Property transfers between State agencies and
the disposition of excess property are also
processed by the Division and presented for ap-
proval to the Board of Public Works (Code State
Finance and Procurement Article, sees. 4—411
through 4-414).
William Sraver, Jr., Chief
301 W. Preston St., Room 1309
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225^325
The Space Management Division manages space
assignments in State-owned facilities, acquires
leased facilities for all State agencies, approves
space modifications, and establishes standards for
the allocation of space. The Division negotiates
the leasing of State property (except Port and
Aviation facilities) and conducts surveys of State
space requirements. In addition, the Division ne-
gotiates certain concession agreements and makes
recommendations to the Board of Public Works
on the need for State office space construction.
Robert J. Byrd, Director
301 W. Preston St., Room 1305
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4220
The Director of Central Services provides policy
and administrative direction for supportive
services that are generally independent of one an-
other and are necessary for the effective operation
of State agencies. The Office is organized into four
divisions according to functional responsibility:
Purchasing Bureau, Printing and Publication, In-
ventory Management, and Records Management.
Paul T. Harris, Sr., Chief
301 W. Preston St., Room M-2
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4620
The Purchasing Bureau originally was estab-
lished in 1920 as the Central Purchasing Bureau
(Chapter 184, Acts of 1920). It was placed under
the Department of General Services in 1970
(Chapter 97, Acts of 1970). The Bureau is respon-
sible for the procurement of all materials, sup-
plies, and equipment used by State agencies. The
Bureau annually purchases commodities ranging
from office supplies to medicines and food items.
Total purchases annually exceed $150 million.
State agencies must submit requisitions to the
Bureau for all purchases, except those costing less
than $1,000 or those designated as exempt com-
modities. The requisition identifies both the com-
modity and quantity requested. The commodity
may be supplied by 1) drawing it from the State
warehouse in Jessup, 2) ordering it through an
open-ended contract that has been developed by
the Bureau, 3) bidding the commodity through
the Bureau as an individual requirement, or 4) or-
dering it as part of the Bureau's scheduled
purchase program. Emergency procurements can
also be made by an agency whenever the purchase
is necessary to preserve human life or State prop-
erty (Code State Finance and Procurement Arti-
cle, sees. 4-301 through 4-315).
Kenneth B. Webster, Manager
301 W. Preston St., Room M-8
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4430
This division is responsible for operating two
duplicating centers that include graphic art