the Secretary of General Services or the Secre-
tary's designee; one member chosen by the Gover-
nor from within the Department of General
Services upon recommendation of the Secretary;
and two members chosen by the Governor from
the general public, at least one of whom may not
be an engineer or architect. Public members serve
five-year terms. The floating member is the head
or the designee of the using authority that
presents a proposal to the Board for procuring ar-
chitectural or engineering services (Code State Fi-
nance and Procurement Article, sees. 19-201
through 19-218).
Thomas H. Hamer, Director
301 W. Preston St., Room 1406
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4444
The Office of Engineering and Construction
provides State agencies with professional and
technical services related to the design and con-
struction of State public improvements, except
those of the Department of Transportation. The
functions of the Office are assigned to two divi-
sions: Design and Approval, and Construction Su-
pervision and Inspection.
Keith D. Kelly, Assistant Director
301 W. Preston St., Room 1405
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225^334
The Design and Approval Division provides ef-
ficient architectural, engineering, and site plan-
ning services to State agencies other than the De-
partment of Transportation. The Division's
workload includes consultant-designed projects
and in-house designed projects. Five staff groups
monitor, coordinate, and review all consultant-
designed projects. Each of these staff groups is
headed by a registered architect, engineer, or
landscape architect. The in-house group provides
design services on projects that can be done more
economically by the Department of General
Services. An in-house project usually does not ex-
ceed a total construction cost of $500,000.
John Hartlove, Chief
301 W. Preston St., Room 1307
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4363
The Division monitors the construction of new
building projects. These include alterations or
renovations to existing structures. By monitoring
this construction, the Division ensures that
projects are completed in accordance with ap-
proved designs and specifications. The Division al-
so monitors the inspection of public school con-
struction carried out through the State's Public
School Construction Program.
Donald E. Schaefer, Ph.D., Director
301 W. Preston St., Room 1406
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225^442
Throughout the State, the Office of Facilities
Management provides technical assistance to
physical plant personnel in the operation and
maintenance of State facilities. The Office operates
and protects the Annapolis and Baltimore State
Office Centers and the State's Multi-Service Cen-
ters. The Office is organized into five divisions:
Plant Management, Annapolis Public Buildings
and Grounds, Baltimore Public Buildings and
Grounds, Multi-Service Centers, and Saratoga
State Center.
Edward C. Schlauch, Chief
301 W. Preston St., Room 1301
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4260
The Plant Management Division implements
the State's Comprehensive Maintenance and Re-
pair Program. On a regular basis, it inspects all
State facilities included in the Program in order to
identify preventive maintenance tasks and confirm
the operational status of the facilities. The Divi-
sion also administers a program of preventive
maintenance and operational review of all public
school buildings through the secondary school
level. At the request of the Board of Public Works
and as a service to the Interagency Committee on
School Construction, the Division prepares an an-
nual report on the condition of the public schools