ELLEN R. SAUEBBREY, Republican, District 10. Bom in Baltimore, September 9, 1937. Towson
Senior High School; Western Maryland College, B.A., summa cum laude, 1959. District manager,
U.S. Census, 1970. Delegate, Republican National Convention, 1968, 1976, 1984; vice-chairman,
Republican Central Committee of Baltimore County, 1966-70. National Secretary and Board of
Directors, American Legislative Exchange Council. Trustee, Council on Economic Education.
Former State Secretary and member of Board of Directors, Maryland Society for Multiple Sclerosis.
Legislative aide, Maryland General Assembly, 1973-78. Selection Panel, Presidential Commission on
White House Fellows. Past vice-president, Maryland Federation of Republican Women; past
president, Baltimore County Federation of Republican Women. Member, Farm Bureau. HUD Task
Force for Affordable Housing. Member, Southern Legislative Conference (consumer protection
committee, 1982-84; agriculture and rural development committee, 1985-86). Authored newspaper
column, Congressional Rolkall. Member, Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honorary Society.
Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Minority Leader, 1987-. Committees:
Economic Matters, 1978-86; Ways and Means, 1987-; Joint Budget and Audit. District office: 4122
Sweet Air Rd., Baldwin 21013; tel. 592-2200. Annapolis office: 312 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel.
PATRICK C. SCANNELLO, Democrat, District 32. Born in Baltimore, August 24, 1936. Edison
Vocational/Mergenthaler. Liquor store owner/operator. Served in Maryland National Guard and
Army Reserve. Member, Arthur Slade Home School Association; North Glen Improvement
Association; Femdale Community Club; Moose; Holy Trinity Council; Knights of Columbus;
Leukemia Society of Baltimore. Board member, Anne Arundel County Economic Opportunities
Committee. Married; 4 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1979. Member, Economic
Matters Committee. District office telephone: 768-5678. Annapolis office: 214 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel.
GEORGE T. SCHMINCKE, Democrat, District 32. Born in Baltimore, December 25, 1923. Mt. St.
Joseph High School. Served in U.S. Navy during WW II; received European Ribbon, American
Ribbon, Pacific Ribbon with two stars. Anne Arundel County Democratic Committee, 1974-78
(chairman, 3 years). Member, Ferndale Community Club; American Legion; Knights of Columbus;
Elks; District 32 Democratic Club; North Glen Democratic Club; Citizens Democratic Club (former
president); North Ferndale Community Association, Inc. (former president); Greater Ferndale
Community Civic Association. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1977.
Served 6 years on Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee. Present member,
Environmental Matters Committee. Annapolis office: 214 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3233.
DAVID B. SHAPIRO, Democrat, District 42. Born in Baltimore, November 13, 1955.
Northwestern Sr. High School; University of Maryland Baltimore County, B.A. (economics and
accounting), 1976; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1985. Employed by State Highway
Administration; also accountant, business consultant and manager of real estate investments.
Member, Governor's Youth Advisory Council, 1973-76. Legal intern, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 1981.
Charter member, National Association of Jewish Legislators, 1977-86. Member, Democratic State
Central Committee, 1986-. President, John F. Kennedy Chapter of B'nai B'rith Youth Organization,
1973. Member, board of directors, Baltimore Jewish Community Center, 1973-74, 1976; board of
directors, Jewish Big Brother League of Baltimore, 1975. Founder and director, Project Bernfes,
1975-86. Member, Baltimore Junior Chamber of Commerce, 1979-86; speaker. Annual Israel Bond
Appeal, 1979-86. Member of the House of Delegates, 1977-83, and since 1987. Member, Judiciary
Committee. District office; 6609 Reisterstown Rd., Baltimore 21215; tel. 358-5055. Annapolis office;
320-C Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3297.