124/Maryland Manual
CHARLES J. RYAN, Democrat, District 23. Bom in Southbridge, Massachusetts, September 15,
1936. Graduate of Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, B.S.F.S., 1958;
University of Maryland, M.A., 1974. College professor. Member, Prince George's County
Democratic Committee, 1970, 1974; vice-chairman, State Democratic Party, Maryland, 1976-78.
Board member, Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation. Member, Prince
George's County Mental Health Association; National Federation of Business and Professional
Women's Clubs, Inc.; Prince George's County Board of Education Superintendent's Advisory
Council for Business and Industry. Legislator of the Year, Prince George's Chapter of Maryland
Municipal League, 1984. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1978.
Chairman, Appropriations Committee. Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Cost Containment;
Fiscal Review Committee; Spending Afiordability Committee; Rules and Executive Nominations
Committee. District office: P.O. Box 1409, Bowie 20716; tel. 262-5659. Annapolis office: 131 Lowe
Bidg., 21401; tel. 858-3407, 841-3407.
THOMAS A. RYMER, Democrat, District 29A. University of Maryland; Cornell University,
B.C.E.; George Washington School of Law, J.D. World War II veteran. Town attorney for North
Beach; attorney for Calvert County Board of Education; Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland.
State's Attorney for Calvert County, 1966-70. Member, Tri-State Chesapeake Bay Commission. Civic
and service memberships include State of Maryland and Calvert County Bars; Deale Elks Club;
South Anindel Optimist Club; Calvert County Democratic Club; Calvert County Chamber of
Commerce; VFW; American Legion. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971.
Chairman, Environmental Matters Committee. Member, Rules and Executive Nominations
Committee; Legislative Policy Committee. Majority Whip, 1978-86. Chairman, Calvert County
Delegation. District office: Calvert Executive Plaza, Suite 300, P.O. Box 1700, Prince Frederick
20678; tel. 535-1070, 855^1378. Annapolis office: 161 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3534.
RICHARD RYND, Democrat, District 11. Bom in New York, August 1,1931. Attended New York
City public schools; William and Mary College; New York University. Served in U.S. Navy,
1951-53. Nursing and convalescent home administrator. Member, Baltimore County Commission on
the Aging. Member, board of directors, and past president, Maryland Nursing Home Association.
Member, Citizens Planning and Housing Association; Baltimore Association for Histadrut; Chamber
of Commerce; Metropolitan Civic Association; Safety First Club of Maryland; Airplane Owners and
Pilots Association. Officer, Board of Beth Tfiloh Synagogue. Past president, Midfield Improvement
Association. Member, B'nai B'rith; Amicable Lodge Masons; Boy Scouts of America; Jewish War
Veterans. Past Monarch, Yedz Grotto. Past chairman, Maryland Committee for Israel Bonds.
National board chairman for Israel Bonds. Board, Associated Jewish Charities. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates, 1967-74, and since 1987. Member, Appropriations Committee. Annapolis
office: 310 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3342.
FRANCIS J. SANTANGELO, SR., Democrat, District 24. Bom in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
March 3, 1919. Attended Philadelphia public and parochial schools; LUTC. Insurance Broker.
Served in U.S. Army, World War II. Delegate to Democratic State Convention, 1958. President,
Committee on Democratic Education. Founder and president, PACA Italian-American Club of
Prince George's County. Chairman, Bladensburg Marina Task Force. President, Kentland
Neighborhood Improvement Committee. Knights of Columbus; VFW; Columbia Park Citizen
Association. Past president and organizer, Kentland Athletic Boys Club. Former member and
honorary member, Kentland Volunteer Fire Dept. Former member, AFL-CIO, Transportation
Workers Union. Received Outstanding State Official of the Year Award from Maryland Municipal
League, 1970. Married; resides with wife, Thelma, in Landover. Member of the House of Delegates
1967-71, 1975-79, 1979-83, 1983-87, 1987-(now serving 5th term). Member, Economic Matters
Committee. Chairman, Prince George's County Delegation County Affairs Committee. Member,
Special Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Member, Southern Legislative Conference
(chairman, human resources and urban affairs committee). District office: 5611 Landover Rd.,
Cheverly 20784; tel. 277-7502. Annapolis office: 204 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 858-3065.