Jackson Corbett, Extension Agent, Secretary
(non-voting). Jack Helm, District Conserva-
tionist; Robert W. Ziehm, District Manager.
County Seat: Chestertown 21620
Origin: First referred to as a county in 1642 when
the Governor and Council appointed
commissioners for the Isle and County of Kent.
Name: Named for the English county of the same
Form of Government: Code Home Rule (1970)
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws of
Kent County (1968) with supplements.
Area: 303.64 sq. miles (278.34 land, 25.30 water)
Population. 1900: 18,786; 1950: 13,677; 1960:
15,481; 1970: 16,146; 1980: 16,695.
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census):
Chestertown (3,300), Rock Hall (1,511),
Millington (512)
Voter Registration, Oct. 8, 1984. Democrat: 5,600;
Republican: 2,583; Other Parties: 3; Decline to
Affiliate: 450; Total: 8,636.
Per Capita Income (1981): $7,731
Colleges/Universities; Washington College,
Museums/Historical Societies: Historical Society
of Kent County, Inc., Church Alley,
Chestertown 21620
Chestertown 21620
Circuit Court: 778-4600, ext. 60
District Court: 778-1830
Kent County/551
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, first
Monday in February; second Monday in
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays, 10:00 A.M. -
12:00 noon.
Circuit Court Resident Judge
George B. Rasin III, Jr., Chief and Adminis-
trative Judge, 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
Earl H. Pinder, 1986
District Court Judge
H. Thomas Sisk, Jr., 1991. Grace R. Achuff,
Administrative Clerk; Rose Marie Metcalf,
Orphans' Court Judges
Julian Lee Crew, Chief Judge, 1986; Thelma
H. Bowman, 1986; Irvin A. Sutton, 1986.
Register of Wills
Janet Lee Ashley, 1986
H. Allan Blizzard, 1986
State's Attorney
J. Frederick Price, 1986
District Public Defender
C. Daniel Saunders
Board of County Commissioners
Chestertown 21620 Telephone: 778-4600,
ext. 34
Meeting Days: Tuesdays, 8:00 A.M.
County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
Mary Roe Walkup, Chairperson ........... 1986
B. Stephen Cooper ........................... 1986
Alexander P. Rasin III ..................... 1986
Vacancy, Administrative Assistant
Janice F. Fletcher, Clerk
County Attorney
Ernest S. Cookerly